Chapter 26: Ride

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"You call that a great piggyback ride? Foolish, foolish minion, this isn't even considered decent! Pick up the pace," Wyetta ordered as William gamboled around. 

Knuckled white as she clenched William's shirt and hair tightly, she felt her stomach lift, and do a twirl as William continued to leap around in a daze of unprompted childish glee. "This ride is too bumpy too! I demand you stomp jumping around," Wyetta added, gripping William even tighter as he jumped again. 

"This reminds me when I gave Jake a piggyback when we were young," William suddenly reminisced, "He would jump on my back, pull on my hair, and yell in his high-pitched shrilly voice right in my ear. I would completely ignore him while doing all I can to get him off. Soon, I even began to develop a kind of joy in bucking around like a bull in a rodeo." 

"That's fine an all, but can you-" Wyetta started, and stopped. 

Hair pulling and shrieking during a piggyback ride caused him to instinctively buckle around? Wasn't that what she was doing? Perhaps that was the reason why... 

As she cautiously let go of William's glistening gold hair, William jumped up, causing Wyetta to almost fall off. The hand that was clenching William's shoulder for dear life tightened it's grip. It would have been easier to shake off death than to shake off the hand. A stream of unintelligible words blurred together as it left Wyetta's mouth. 

The wind around Wyetta fluctuated and blew in every which way. With a high-pitched yell from Wyetta, the wind flung William and Wyetta off at a random direction. 

Not wanting to be left behind, Merth grabbed all the bags she could hold, opened an umbrella, and let the wind sweep her up too. 

The umbrella allowed Merth to drift in the air aimlessly for several hours, smiling gently as she observed the vast field of dark green trees underneath her, and watch the winged creatures flit around. 

Closing her eyes, she listened to the sweet symphony of the happily flying animals around her, warning each other to get out of their territory or else. As a bright red bird flew up high, and chirped out a beautiful melody insulting the mother of the strange, bulky bird that had just trespassed its territory, Merth opened her eyes, her ever-present smile grew larger as she noticed with a happy gasp that a large cliff was drawing close. 

Without a bit of regret, she concluded her pleasant air-voyage has drawn to an end, and snapped her umbrella shut, causing her to plummet through the sky, dropping like a rock. 

Just as the savage pointed treetops were about to rip her into ghastly shreds, her umbrella opened back up, and Merth cheerfully picked her way down to the ground, and landed with a small explosion of dust. 

Once the dust settled down, she put down her baggage. First were the bags resting on her leg that was bent at a 90-degree angle to provide a surface, then, the four bags on each hand, and the multitude strung on her arms. 

A wide grin graced her face as she spat out the strap, and a handle of the bags she was carrying in her mouth. Jumping, she cheerfully let the precariously balanced bags on her head fall onto the ground with two puffs of dust, and recollected the bags in a more organized fashion. 

After a while, she created a giant bag out of the bags she was carrying, swung it onto her back, and tromped through the forest, singing, grinning, and searching for her travel companions. 

Several hours passed Merth by as she skipped around, peeked into tree holes, looked under rocks, and let loose several notes of her nonsensical song. Finally, she let the boulder she was searching under to drop, and break into tiny pieces. 

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