Chapter 28: Junk Shop of Horrors

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Fishing a pair of shades from her pocket, Wyetta held it out towards William while peeking around the corner. "Wear this. I knew you were too stupid to actually get a pair of shades, so I beat a couple of people up, and got it for you." 


Putting on the shades, William observed his suddenly dark surroundings. The other side of the alleyway almost looked like a black pit leading off into eternity. 

"There's no armored people or anyone who looks like a thug, so I think we're good. Let's go." 

"Ah, but there are some coming out of the wall behind us." William remarked, mildly surprised. "We should probably hurry up." 

"The wall? How did they....What is that giant metal object they're riding on?" shaking her thoughts out of her head, Wyetta's dumbfound look was replaced by a serious, focused expression. "That's not important. Let's go." 

Grabbing William's arm, she darting around the corner of the wall, and sprinted through the crowd, gracefully ducking and weaving between people. William merely let out a small groan as he saw the world zoom by him as he was dragged along by Wyetta. 

"I expected you to fail getting the shades, but I didn't expect things to turn out like this," Wyetta grumbled, screeching to a stop and opening the lid of a trashcan. 

"What are you doing" William asked curiously, peering into the contents of the trashcan. 

A banana peel, several broken pieces of wood, a dented, irregular-shaped piece of metal, and other miscellaneous items. It didn't look like anything out of the ordinary, so why was Wyetta rifling through its contents? Wait...did she stop running just to check out some trashcans, and see if there was anything of monetary value in them? Shame, Wyetta, shame. 

William opened his mouth to tell her just that, and how disappointed he was in her behavior, when Wyetta ordered, "Get in the can." 

William blinked once. 

He blinked again. 

He shut his mouth. 

He opened it again. 

After thinking for a bit, he closed his mouth, and blinked. 

"Can you repeat that? I think I heard you wrong. Something about a trashcan, right?" 

Growling, Wyetta grabbed William and threw him into the can, and slammed the lid down. 

Just then, the soldiers filled in through the alleyway openings, mobbing Wyetta. 

"Where's the boy?" the tallest one asked. 

Wyetta stared sullenly at the man, who stepped closer. "Did you hear me? I asked where's the boy?" he growled, losing his temper. 

"Shut up, I'm trying to think, okay?" Wyetta snapped, eyebrows furrowing together. 

Slightly taken aback, the man nodded, and took several steps backwards. "Um, all right. Take your time." 

Several awkward minutes passed, and Wyetta finally sighed. "I can't think of a very good comeback that doesn't sound childish or nonsensical, I'll just punch you now." 


Wyetta's fist connected with his fist, causing him to stumble backwards into a couple of his comrades. 

The mud that caked her fist began to crack off, revealing her green skin beneath as she raised her fist again. With a hawk-like screech, she dove into the mob, and her fists went flying through the air, attacking and looting those around her. 

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