Chapter 33: Exposition

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"I'm so confused! Confused to death! Ah, so very confused! Confused, confused, confused! Confusion! What's happening?" William wailed. 

Grimaldo blinked. 

"Ooh, what's this? It's so solirant! Ouch, it's also pointy. Wait, is this a sword? I think it's a sword. It's different than the swords back home though! It' me! It's not a color!" Merth babbled, staring at the sword Grimaldo wielded. 

Grimaldo looked down at his sword. 

"It's called blue. That's a color. What are you talking about?" William asked, confused. "Oi! I'm even more confused about even more stuff now!" 

"Color? So...could it be that there's more colors in this world? That's so cool! What color am I? Or am I multiple colors? What's color in this world?" 

Grimaldo blinked again. 

"Everyone." Wyetta growled. "Shut up. Just. Stop. Yapping. Shush. Shh." 

Grimaldo nodded. 

"Not you, Grimaldo. If that's your idea of talking, feel free to continue." 

Grimaldo blinked in gratitude. 

"Good. Now, everyone, tell me about yourself. William, you go first. Why do you look so strange? least stranger than before. Why are you confused?" Wyetta asked, pointing at William. 

"Uh...tell you about myself? My full name is William Spencer Lost. I am a normal teenage boy. I like cop dramas, and I like to read fanfiction that involve the time-space cat from the City series and the-" 

"No. Tell me about yourself as in..." 

Letting out an exasperated sigh, Wyetta ordered, "Just answer my questions." 

"Oh. Uh, okay. Why do I look like this? I don't know. Why am I confused? I don't know. It's all just so confusing!" 

"What?" Wyetta deadpanned. "That was not helpful at all. Go outside, get a breath of fresh air, and come back when you make sense. We'll skip you for now." 

Turning to Merth, Wyetta demanded, "Explain. Why are you here?" 

"Because you're awesome," Merth replied with an elevated expression. 

"Be serious." 

"Because I can?" 

Wyetta looked at Merth with disbelief and sighed. "Whatever. I'll drill you later. Grimaldo, your turn. What did you do while William and I was gone." 

Grimaldo stared at Wyetta, then at his sword, then back at Wyetta. 

Finally, he planted his sword on the floor and moved back. 

Yo, what's up? This is I-SoB here! 

I'll explain everything, so never fear! 

As you don't know, my bro here found me, 

And soon, we became best frienemies! 

I soon found out he use to wield ice, 

But now he wields fire, which is not just as nice. 

It was so pitiful, 

And so we became allies. (It was beautiful.) 

I let him use my powers like it was his own, 

And he let me use his powers like it was my own. 

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