Chapter 11: To the Goblin King

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"Howdy?" Grimaldo repeated uncertainly in his thoughts. "Who said that?" 

"I did." 

"Who is 'I'?" Grimaldo mused, "And how did it know what I was thinking?" 

"It's 'cause I'm awesome," the voice replied flippantly. 

A miniature Ice Princess popped into existence in front of Grimaldo, and grinned. "Howdy," she repeated. 

Eyes widening, Grimaldo wasted no time to stare at Ice Princess with adoration, and melt onto the floor. 

In his imagination only, of course. He still appeared stiffly stoic to others. But he compensated for his emotionless exterior by, in his imagination, melting like butter left in a furnace for three years. That's how much he melted. In fact, he even evaporated. 

But it didn't matter to him that his imaginary self evaporated due to his fiery furnace. Why? Because his crazed adoration of the Ice Princess made him push out everything that was unrelated to her. 

"Anyways, not here to give ya a 'art attack or anything. Just tellin' ya, you should probably ged a move on, I'm goin' to be movin' to da next portion of mah tour," pausing, Ice Princess threw her hands up. "Recap time!" 

Grimaldo nodded in a daze while his heart sung out praises for Ice Princess. 

Eyes flashing, the battered Ice Princess took a resolute step forward, bent down, and let her fist fly. 

It traveled upwards in a majestic arch, and met the chin of the heavily injured thug with a resounding crack. 

The thug lifted off the floor, and sailed through the air as gracefully a majestic swan pressing buttons in a toy car being flung across a room, meaning not very graceful at all, and finally ended it's brief, airborne moment when it hit the wall and the thug fell to the floor, unmoving.. 

Holding her hands up, victorious, Ice Princess cawed, "Who's da mastah? Definitely not him! It's me, me!" 

"Yippee!" the green creatures screamed. "I was cheering for her the entire time!" 

The other creatures around the green goblins stared down at them in annoyance. Finally, someone dropped a cloth with some bread crumbs on top of the army. 

"Is this an ambush? Ambush, ambush!" the covered creatures screamed, running this way and that, bumping into creatures big and small. "Who did this? Everyone, attack!" 

"Ah, I need support! I was attacked!" 

"Don't worry, I'm attacking your attacker!" 

"Hurry up! He's still stabbing me viciously!" 

"It's okay, we can do this!" 

"I'll attack too!" 

"Oh no, the attacker is also attacking me too!" 

Eventually, the goblins managed to run out of the city, and into the woods, screaming the entire time. 

The silence that had fallen upon the crowd as they watched the goblins act stupid was finally broken when Ice Princess. 

", prize- chu...ged back here chu cowards!" 

"'Nd dat's pretty much it," Ice Princess concluded, nodding sagely. "I'm so amazin'." 

Striking a pose, Ice Princess winked. "See yas latah! 'Nd remember, Imma goin' to da Dark Forest soon fer ah concert, so yas bettah hurry up!" 

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