Chapter 12: Dressed for Success

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"Ugh, how could you not like any of these clothes?" Alevandajar the Third whined, throwing the brightly colored clothes to the floor in exasperation. 

In reply, Grimaldo merely stared pointedly at a frilly, laced, neon rainbow pair of tights. 

"That's the only thing you approve of?" Alevandajar the Third asked. "Jazarik, Those tights are the very pinnacle of fashion. You can't find anything even more fashionable than these gorgeous tights. Is that really the only thing you approve of? You can't go around just wearing tights. Well, now that I think about it..." 

Grimaldo shook his head violently, trying to get Alevandajar the Third to understand that was not what he meant at all. 

"You're right. You're not fashionable enough to just wear these tights. Your skin is not rainbow-colored. Not only is it not rainbow-colored, it's totally incompatible. Your hair isn't compatible either. You might need to dye it. Have you ever dyed your hair? I heard if you soak it in berry juice in the sun for 5 days straight, it'll permanently turn into a bright green." 

The head of Grimaldo suddenly hit the ground as he stifled a groan of frustration. 

"I know, I'm frustrated too! Can't you be less picky about your clothes? We just need to have you look decent, not gorgeous!" 

The two glared at each other silently for a while. Silently picking up a lurid pink and bright yellow jumpsuit, Alevandajar the Third jumped up and pulled the jumpsuit over Grimaldo's head with a feral scream. 

Quick to react, Grimaldo's hands shot out, and pushed the goblin away. 

After another tense, silent glaring contest, they attacked each other mercilessly. 

Hands reached out to throats, they struggled, bit, clawed, and fought on the ground for a while until Alevandajar the Third stopped biting Grimaldo to scream, "Plan 0001-B.67 Turquoise Waters! Attack!" 

Grimaldo took the opportunity to draw out three knives. 

He was about to stab Alevandajar the Third, but he was suddenly levitated on the sky. The frilly jumpsuit followed suit, and pulled itself over his head. 

Grinning widely, Alevandajar the Third laughed. "I win aga-" 

He noticed Grimaldo suddenly dropping from the sky, and focused his attention back to helping his army levitate him. "Yippee!" he cheered distractedly. 

After several minutes of yelling orders to his army in an attempt to smoothly land Grimaldo on the floor, Alevandajar the Third messed up, and Grimaldo was magically thrown up high in the air. 

Knowing what would come next, the small goblin army ran behind trees, shielding themselves from Grimaldo's evil glare, wrath, and the wave of water that came when he landed with a huge splash in the river. 

Darkly glaring at the goblins nervously huddling against a tree, staring at him in fright, Grimaldo stalked to his trench coat that laid in a dripping pile on the floor, and pulled a suitcase out of it. Unclasping the clips that locked the case together, he fiddled around with the suitcase: unlocking locks, pulling off chains, and resetting time bombs. Finally, there was a pile of rather dangerous items laid next to him that he used to unlock the suitcase, or was projected at him while he was opening the suitcase, and he pulled out a dusty, worn, light brown cloak. 

Stepping up, Alevandajar the Third stuttered, "Wait, you're going to wear that?" 

Ignoring the goblin, Grimaldo pulled the hood of the cloak on his head, and tied the cloak close. 

"But it's so dirty!" Alevandajar the Third wailed. "Didn't you hear my...Hey! Don't just ignore me!" 

Running up to Grimaldo, Alevandajar the Third opened his mouth, but Grimaldo merely shot him an annoyed expression out of the corner of his eye. "A-actually, let's just hurry to the Goblin King," Alevandajar the Third suggested meekly, hurrying up ahead. 

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