Chapter 15: Reunion

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Waking up, Wyetta was greeted by the wonderfully peaceful sight of Leona beating people up, and Lope biting the heads of the sleeping people. 

Leona grinned charismatically as her fist met the jawbone of the large, bulk man in front of her. There was a loud, crisp crack. As the man flew across the room, and hit the wall, the giant volf jumped up, and slashed opened the chest of a thug trying to run away. Blood sprayed in the air, and as the red droplets rained down, Lope and Leona stared at each other with a loving expression. 

"Dis reminds meh of ah song," Leona announced tenderly. 

Opening her mouth, she began to sing while beating people up. 

Thoroughly scared by the bloody scene, Wyetta turned her attention elsewhere, and quietly read the sign next to her. 

You've overstayed your welcome. We had to close the library, so we dragged you down here. There is a door to the left! Please exit that way. Thank you, and have a very nice day. 

Seeing the stairwell, Wyetta crawled over to the exit. However, she did not get very far when Leona saw her. Leona stopped singing. 

The smile on Leona's face grew larger, and cheerful as she bounced over to Wyetta, who was frozen on the ground and staring at Leona like she expected to die a gruesome death any moment. 

"O, yer up," Leona exclaimed. "Howdy!" 


Eyeing the knocked-out boy next to her, Wyetta daintily pushed the head away from her, and turned her head so it wasn't facing the beaten up body. 

With a bit of a pompous air, she snootily answered, "Hi." 

Getting up, Wyetta delicately kicked the bodies lying on the floor to make a circle of space for herself, and announce, "Well, I'm going to the desert to the east, then." 

"Oh, all right," Leona replied distractedly, head-butting a guy who was waking up. "Have fun." 

Another man groaned, and Leona eyed him expertly. "We should probably make sure no one has any lethal injuries, Lope. Let's do a quick inspection before we go back to beating them up," Leona told Lope as she gently knocked the waking man out. 

Waiting for several minutes, Wyetta decided Leona was not going to accompany her, and walked up the stairs. She blinked at the sudden light of the library, and walked down several sets of stairs until she reached the bottom story. She pushed the double doors open, and stopped when a voice told her, "Have a nice day." 

Looking around, she saw it was the boy from earlier, and forced a smile on her face. "You too," she replied elegantly. 

Blinking at her dazzling smile, the boy pointed at the door. 

"You should probably hold the door open," he added. 

Wyetta had already walked through the door, but held it open, confused.  


"Well, if I remembered correctly, she'll probably..." 

A breeze caused by a fast moving object blew Wyetta's hair onto her face, and she let go of the door to get hair out of her mouth. The door slammed shut, and fast moving object stopped. It revealed itself to Wyetta to be Leona on her volf, who suddenly appeared next to Wyetta. Leona screamed excitedly as she threw a muscular man into the distance. "Look at 'im go, Lope!" she yelped, shading her eyes from the sun as she stared at the speck in the distance making a beautiful arc in the sky. "So beautiful. 'ope he won't break someone's 'ouse though. He would have lots of explainin' to do." 

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