Chapter 4: A New Identity

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"All I need to do is to get that object and everything's okay..." Wyetta muttered beneath her breath, huddled next to a tree, staring at the starry sky. "That was what I said at the beginning of my journey." 

She sighed, and shivered as a cold wind blew past, freezing her face. "It was so easy to say, but so hard to actually do." 

Tearfully casting another spell on herself to keep her clothes looking beautiful, and in pristine condition, she reflected over her hardship-filled day. 

When she was filled with hatred and blood-lust, and new to the cruel ways of the world, she completely forgot her plan to find the fabled object, and had set off in search of the arsonists to torture everyone they hold dear, and make them wish they never even thought of burning down the town. But as seconds turned to minutes, and minutes turned to hours, she was finally forced to admit she was lost, and look for a village to stay in. 

Although crushing her hopes, dreams, and pride was a horrible, evil thing to do, the world wasn't done torturing her just yet. She searched for a village for several hours, mental, physical, and magical strength slowly being depleted from hunger and fixing her clothes all the while. 

The fact she instinctively cast a repair spell fifty times, and a clean spell forty-six times when she sees speck of dirt, or a tear doesn't help her keep her magical energy up either. 

When she finally stumbled upon a village, she immediately went to an inn and attempted to book a room. But alas, no matter how pitiful she acted, or how persuasive her speech, no inn nor restaurant would take her in, for she had no money. Fate made her think things were finally going to be okay, and returned a sliver of hope to her, only to quickly decimate her heart once again. Not only that, the irony being rubbed into her face just made it all the more pitiful. 

So, she gave up on the village, and decided to continue traveling. Walking along the dusty dirt road leading away from the village, she hoped to stumble across the kidnappers, and pulverize them, all before nightfall. Maybe even get some money, and get a room at an inn. Then the next day, focus on something else, like rebuilding her family fortune, or finding her family. 

But as the sun began to crush itself against the hills in the distance, and the stars began to show themselves, Wyetta was force to face the bitter truth, and the though reality: that she would not be able to take vengeance as easily as she had hoped. She curled up next to a tree and decided to stay there until the next day, and cast a spell to keep the blood-suckers out. 

Smiling, Wyetta turning her thoughts back to the half-formulated plan she created at the beginning of the journey, before she went on a futile hunt fueled by anger and hatred. It wasn't a really horrid plan, now that she thinks calmly and logically about it. There were just some huge gaps of logic in it. 

For one thing, the object that will give her enough power to take revenge...she had actually completely forgotten what it was, and where to find it. She could remember reading it in a book at the West Library, but she completely forgot the contents. But she read it a long time ago, so who could blame her? No matter how hard she searched her brain for even the littlest of detail, she could not remember. 

"It's a solid, I think..." she announced uncertainly, "and it Blue? Pink? Yellow, I think. No, it was green, wasn't it?" 

Letting out a wail, she clutched her head, feeling miserable. Today was definitely not her day. Slumping back, she hit her head on the tree she was leaning against, and released a sharp yelp. Rubbing her head, she decided to travel to the Western Library and reread the book with the information on the object she forgot, and then come up with the rest of the plan after that point. Yawning, she curled up in a fetal position, and almost immediately fell in a deep sleep. 

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