Chapter 18: Vandalism

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"...and...we're finally here!" Ruby exclaimed cheerfully. "Hooray!" 

They were back at the room where they met. Gingerly setting Wyetta, who was slumped against him, to the floor, William glanced up at the ring. It was glowing just as brightly as before, if not even brighter. "So now what?" 

Groaning, Wyetta got up, and began to climb the statue. 

"We smash the ring to pieces," Ruby replied, punching her hands together excitedly. "Moo-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha!" 

Flicking her brown hair back, she waved her arm. "Don't mind me, I'm just having a moment to myself. Go climb the statue, and I'll meet you at the top." 

With that, Ruby disappeared from sight. 

Staring at the statue's smooth surface, William was unsure how to climb it. "Hey, Wyetta, don't you have wind powers? Can't you use that instead, and lift us both up?" he asked. 

"Huh? Oh, I..." Wyetta mumbled incoherently. "Never thought of that?" 

Ruby suddenly reappeared. "Stop yakking, and start climbing!" she demanded. "Come on, come on, hurry!" 

She disappeared once again. 

Clinging to the piece of rock, William carefully hung on for his life as he inched upwards. 

Hugging the arm he finally crawled to, William huffed, staring at the ring. 

"Good job," Ruby cheered, appearing. "Now, break it." 


"I don't know. How do you defeat monsters?" 

"Oh, I know!" 

The ring froze over. 

"Good, good! Now what?" 

"Erm, someone else breaks it." 

"What? Fine," Ruby grumbled. "Better than nothing, I guess..." 

Wyetta, who was clinging to the finger next to the ring, weakly swung her fist towards the ring, almost falling. She swung her fist again, and began falling. 

"Oh, whoops. Oh well," Ruby muttered. 

Lunging towards Wyetta, William fell as well. "You...boy, what are you doing?" Ruby sputtered, floating in the air. 

"Saving Wyetta," William shouted back. "Wait a minute or so. Um, superhero monster freeze but actually floor freeze!" 

Immediately, the floor was covered with shimmering ice. "Wait, this won't help us...but what will?" 

Thinking hard, William almost didn't notice the floor was dangerously close. 


"Superhero grah!" he screamed, not thinking straight. 

Ice instantly formed around Wyetta and his waist, connected to the floor. 

Breaking heavily, William looked around. "And now...I guess we just wait for this to melt," he announced awkwardly. "Uh, Wyetta, are you all right? You look sort of, um, yeah. Zombie?" 

No reply was given. Wyetta's limp figure was motionless. "Are you...o...kay?" William asked again in concern. 

"Uh, um..." 

An ice pointy stick formed in William's hand, and he began hitting the ice supporting Wyetta with it. 

After several minutes, the ice broke, and Wyetta fell to the floor. Several more minutes passed by as William hit the ice supporting him. Once the ice broke, he sat on the icy floor, disorientated, before running to Wyetta. "Are you all right? Hello? Can you hear me?" 

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