Chapter 23: Party

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"Isn't this the best party you've ever been to?" Merth yelled, opening another can of laughter. 

Glancing at Wyetta, who was frozen on the ground, hands clasped tightly on her ears, eyes wide, and color drained out of her cheeks, William grinned nervously at Merth. "Um, yeah!" he pumped his arm weakly. "Best. Party. Ever!" 

Grinning, Merth opened a can of laughter right next to William's ears, causing him to immediately clamp his hand on his ear. "Aw, you flatter me so!" Merth chirped, oblivious of William and Wyetta's pain. 

"" Wyetta croaked out, rolling over of the floor. 

She groaned. "" she whispered hoarsely. 

"You want more fun?" Merth shouted over the laughter. "Okay!" 

Opening several bottles of squeals, she screamed, "The fun...has been exponentially increased!" 

Wyetta groaned, and began to look a little queasy. "My stomach hurts. The vibrations make my head ache. I want to go home," she whined. 

"Go home?" Merth asked, suddenly kneeling by Wyetta. "Why? Don't you like it here?" 

Taking a nauseous glance up at Merth, Wyetta started, "Obviously I..." 

Merth's eyes widen, and looked like she was prepared to get a heart attack and die if Wyetta said "I hate this party." 

Wyetta gave a weak grin. "Love this party so much," she lied, giving Merth a weak thumbs up. 

"Yes!" Merth whooped joyfully, opening a bottle of giggles. "I knew you'll like it!" 

Grinning at Merth, William slowly snuck by Wyetta's side, and poked her. 

No response. 

After opening Wyetta's eyelids several times, William decided she had fainted. "I think Wyetta needs a rest from the fun," William called out. 

"Huh? Okay, I'll-" 

"No! stay here. I'll bring her to her room. Don't bring any fun anywhere near her, okay?" William yelled frantically, clumsily dragging Wyetta away. 

"Okay," Merth agreed, looking confused. "Hurry back soon! I'll be turning up the fun!" 

"Yay!" William cheered, giving her a queasy smile as he hurriedly dragged Wyetta away. "I can't wait!" 

Once Wyetta was flung up the stairs, and dragged down the long halls, she was thrown onto the bed in the corner of the cramped room. Groaning, she slowly pushed herself up. "That. Was. Horrible," she declared. "I think my ears are bleeding, and I can still hear the laughter loud and clear in my head." 

"It's not just in your head," William replied, knocking on the thin walls. "I can hear it too. The problem are the walls. They're too thin." 

"Hello!" Merth exclaimed brightly, swinging the door open, almost breaking it. "I was thinking, maybe we shouldn't stay all cooped up indoors, and partying." 

"Yes!" Wyetta screamed joyfully. 

"We should party outside!" Merth finished happily, beaming. 

Wyetta's face turned as white as freshly fallen snow, and she hurriedly fluffed the pillow next to her, and slunk under the blanket. "I-I think I still need some rest." she hurriedly muttered. "I think I have a fever or something. It's perfectly fine with me if you go party elsewhere. I'll just silently, and quietly heal up all by myself. Alone. With no fun. How, uh, horrible. But that's the only way. Goodbye." 

To Regain What Was LostOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora