Chapter 32: Return

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"I'm telling you, it feels wrong killing the thug and the scarred man." 

"I'm telling YOU it's the right thing to do. Now, get back to work, stupid." 

"I mean, they had a life! Thug was my friend! I feel really weird about this." 

"You don't even know their names!" Wyetta snapped. 

"But still..." 

"Well, just keep your thoughts to yourself. Search." 

Spotting a hole under a tree, William pointed. "How is that?" 

"That's a rabbit hole, idiot." Wyetta growled, punching William. 

"Close enough to a portal. Ever read Alice in the Wonderland?" 

"Who is Alice? Is she famous?" Merth piped, jumping into the conversation. 

"Never mind." 

"William! Merth! Get back to work!" 

"He-he, that rhymes, kind of!" 


"Well, I can't find anything here!" Merth announced after several minutes of silence. "How about you guys?" 


"Nothing at all." 

Merth nodded. "That's what I thought. Well, time to move to a new location." 

"A-actually, I think I missed a spot over there. I'm going to look again," William stuttered, hurrying away. 

Smiling, Merth pulled him back. "Aw, don't be so disappointed about having to move. I can finish my story now!" 

Dragging the struggling and screaming Wyetta and William with her, Merth talked. "I don't know why you're always like this when we're moving to search elsewhere. Anyways, where did I leave off last time? Oh yes. So, there I was..." 

Suddenly stopping, Merth let out a sigh. "Vigilo, vigilo! Good, you're awake again. Why do you keep falling asleep? Perhaps you were cursed earlier! Maybe we could visit a wizard? Speaking of wizards, wen I was seven, I visited a wizard. It was amazing and drew me further into the intoxicating world of party. Vigilo, vigilo. Stop falling asleep! Anyways, where was I?" 

"Hey, that looks like a portal! Maybe it'll lead us home!" 

"That? Oh, it is a portal! It', we got lucky, it matches William." 

"Which means it also matches me! Come on, let's go!" 

"Matches you? What do you mean? It just matches William." 

"Just matches William?" Wyetta repeated, staring at William. "You mean...he really isn't from my world? I knew he was an alien! Knew it! But...what did you lie to me then?" 

"What? I never lied! You just assumed!" 

"You could have told me!" 

"You never asked!" 

"Children, stop your squabbling! I sense a portal with the same aura as Wyetta at the clocktower of Varlyn city!" 

"Wait, you can do that? Why didn't you do that earlier?" William asked. 

"Never mind that, rejoice with me, for we can finally escape this place," Wyetta whooped, throwing her hands up victoriously. "Let's go!" 

"Not so fast." 

Wyetta titled her head. "Okay? Why?" 

"The clocktower of Varlyn...the king's royal seer lives there, and teaches his apprentices there, as well as tutor the heir to the throne." 

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