Chapter 14: Jeremy V

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Massaging her forehead, Wyetta groaned. Everything she did was met with a dull pain. Opening her eyes, she blinked wearily in the dark. After several minutes of patiently staring in front of her, her eyes finally adjusted, and she found out she was in a small bubble of space, surrounded on all sides by rock and limbs. 

Exhausted, she pushed on a rock. The rock moved back, and the rock it was supporting rolled down, and was stopped an inch from Wyetta's head. Deciding that's not the best way to do things, Wyetta took a breath, formed a small air bubble around her, and slowly pushed the air out in all directions. The rocks rolled away, and a hole formed above her. 

The warm, welcoming light of the setting sun shone down on Wyetta as she clambered out of the pit. 

Gasping heavily, she pulled herself up to a boulder, and leaned on it, inspecting herself. 

She felt all right, just a little sore, and nothing looked or felt broken. She was just a little cut up, and bruised. Nothing serious. It'll probably heal in a day or two. Now, to inspect her clothes... 

The clothes. 

What happened to them? 

A high pitched scream laced with despair and horror echoed throughout the sky. 

How could this happen to her? How? 

Tearing up, she frantically cast repair spell after repair spell on her clothes, despite her exhaustion. 

Hours passed by, and she continued to cast her spell relentlessly. Even though she restored her clothes to a pristine condition, she continued, blinded by sorrow and panic. 

Finally, she was out of magic, and slumped back, staring up to the moonlit sky. Sapped of strength, she tilted her head to the left and right, and when she saw no living beings, or more importantly, no Grimaldo and William, she concluded that she had been abandoned. 

But why? She was a perfectly normal, respectable kid. She always put money first, she listened to her mama, and everyone in town loved her for her thriftiness and wealth. They said she would go far, and would often watch and cheer her on as she bargained aside from the times they bargain with her. 

She was the perfect child, always looking for monetary opportunities and seizing as much money as she could. Everyone told her Skyra of luck and Jazarik of hard work had blessed her from birth, and she used her blessings well. So why would anyone want to abandon her? 

Dejected, Wyetta drew a four-pointed star in the sky. "Four-pointed Protection," she recited. 

Who cares anyways? They're the one who tried to take her money. She should be the ones abandoning them, not the other way around. They're just ungrateful losers. Thank Skyra they were finally gone. 

As a shield of protection flickered on, she fell asleep, hands curled in defiant fists. 

After several minutes, the shield flicked away, leaving the muttering, sleeping girl unprotected. 

"Come back...better offer...once in a lifetime deal..." 

The creatures of the night stalked silently towards her. "Please....wait....don't..." 

With a feral snarl, the creatures all pounced at once. 


Drowsily opening her eyes, Wyetta stared at the trees, grass, and bushes passing by. As the warm fur blanket she was laying on jumped over a river, she clung tighter, mind replaying the same day over and over again. 

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