The two of us then began running towards the trees as Bob opened the car door and took out his gun. I kept moving. The sound of his gun shots and the growling was all we could hear. It only made me think that I made the right call about stopping Lily from coming with us.

"Ty! Ty!" I heard Bob yell.

I glanced over to see that Tyreese was only just getting out of the car. He was pissed and surrounded.

"Just go!" He yelled back. "Come on and get me!" He then yelled at the walkers that crowed him.

Both Michonne and I didn't hesitate to try to go back and help him, but he soon turned into a blur amongst the walkers and we knew there was nothing we could do.

"Come on." I told the others and the three of us ran into the woods.

I loaded my crossbow and killed a walker that jumped out at Bob and kept running. That was when we ran into a clearing, clear of any walkers and I stopped. There was something behind us and it wasn't just walkers. "Hold up." I told them.

I reloaded my crossbow as the trees and bushes started moving. Two walkers appeared, but before I could shoot either of them, Tyreese appeared behind them, taking them out.

He then pretty much fell to his knees and both Bob and I ran over to help him to his feet. The four of us then running in the opposite direction as the walkers began emerging from the trees.

We managed to out run the walkers, through the night, and made camp on a small bridge to catch our breath. It wasn't too long before the sun began to rise and Tyreese made his way down to the stream. He then took off his top and began rinsing it in the water. I have to say, after losing what he has, I was impressed. I didn't know he had it in him to take on that many on his own.

As I watched him, Michonne took out a map and placed it down in front of me. "This is Turner creek, so Barnesville must be a few miles downstream." She pointed out.

"Sounds like our best chance of finding a new ride." Bob nodded. I hadn't realised he was standing to the other side of Michonne. That was dangerous, but they were right.

I nodded my head slightly and looked up and over to Tyreese. "Yo, Ty. Come on, lets go." He looked up at me and rinsed his top once more. "Vàmonos."

Michonne and I then began walking up the road as Bob hung back to wait for Tyreese. It didn't take them that long to catch up and once they did, we quickened our pace and continued down the road. We'd wasted a day and we still had a few miles left to go.

After about an hour or so, I stopped as I spotted something on the track. It was Jaspar, so I picked it up and used my thumb to wipe some of the dirt off to make sure.

"Is that Jaspar?" Michonne asked and I nodded. "Good colour. Brings out your eyes." She laughed.

"When Miss Richards went into A block, we were leaving. Asked me to keep a lookout. She wants to use it for her old mans marker." I told her and put the Jaspar into my bag.

"You know all them back there?" She asked again. She was clearly trying to make conversation between the two of us.

"You stay in one place more than a couple hours, you'd be suprised what you pick up." I replied. Michonne just nodded and a sad look crossed over her face. "What?"

Michonne just sighed and turned her head to face me. "How's Lily holding up?"

"She's hurt, but she's getting there." I glanced over to her. I wasn't expecting her to just come out with something like that and it only made my head spin.

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