"I know mommy, he should wake up so we can be a family again." I sighed and kissed her head, my heart was going to be melted out by the time I was done talking to her.

"But, there's chances your dad might not wake up, there's chances he can wake up years from now, you could be an adult when he wakes up."

"Really? It can be that long?"

"It can, and mommy had to go a different way with her life. You know Ryan, he's my- friend."

"Yeah the one that takes me for my favorite ice cream?"

"Yeah, well when two people love eachother, they take the next step sometimes, they get married." I said looking at her in the eyes. "We're getting married next week, Ryan and I."

"But what about daddy? He's gonna wake up I know he will."

"Lily, me and your dad always had our issues, and right now this may be the ending to our chapter. I don't know if he'll ever wake up again. And this will always be your dad, no one will ever replace him in your life." She turned around and gave me a big hug, and looked at me with tears in her eyes.

"So he might never wake up? He might never see me again?" My heart ended up getting the best of me, and I couldn't hold back my tears any longer, I think it was time she knew the truth.

"Yes you're right. He might never wake up, but that doesn't mean he won't. That means you'll just have to keep those short memories you have together close to your heart. He's strong, he'll beat this."

"Yeah, he's a strong giant."

"He is, he wasn't a giant for no reason." I said kissing her head and smiled when I seen her little face smile.

"But what if he wakes up? You still will be married?" I stared at her and didn't know what to say, I mever thought that far ahead and I sure as hell didn't want her too either.

"Listen, don't worry about that. That's for me to deal with, the only job you have is to be my pretty little flower girl, and yes the dress is pink." She wiped her tears and that made her smile even bigger, I loved seeing her smile, it was one of the best things I could lay my eyes on in my life.

"Yay, I can't wait!" She said hugging me, then running off into the hallway out to a nurse that had a platter of cupcakes. I got up and grabbed Josh's hand and looked down at him, and back down at his hand where I seen some of my tears fall down onto. I leaned down and kissed his cheek, and rubbed his face. I wish I could feel his touch again, just one last time.

"I'm sorry Josh. Even though I'm with someone else right now, about to marry them and all, there's not a day that goes by where you don't cross my mind. I didn't know this was gonna happen, I didn't expect most of the things I did and went through to happen in your absence, I just want you to know that. I don't know if you can hear me, but I'll always love you."


It was late and I was finally home, Lily asleep, and just relaxing when Ryan came walking in with a boquet of flowers for me. It was almost midnight and he was coming off of work. He had a mansion, and I had my loft, usually he just would be here cause where he works is closer to my place than his, so for the most part he was here throughout the week.

"Wow flowers at midnight, how cute." I said sarcastically grabbing the boquet and putting them down on the counter.

"Why are you so mean? You know you love them."

"I do, but you don't have to know that."

"Whatever, I know I can't wait to marry you next week." He said putting his arms around me, and pulling me into a tight hug. "You're one of the greatest things to ever happen to me."

"I am?"

"Yeah, it's amazing how much I love you."

"I know right? I'm amazing."

"Don't get yourself too hyped." He said smirking down at me and kissing my lips. "Did you tell Lily?"

"I did, and I told Josh." He looked at me confused and I could tell he wasn't expecting me to say that.

"He's awake? When did he wake up?"

"No, he's not up, but I think I felt some kind of closure today, that I could move on. Like maybe it's alright to move on. And Lily kind of understands, she's getting used to it."

"Damn well I'm proud of you for telling Lily, I didn't know if you would've been able to tell Josh, but I'm glad you did, and I'm glad you felt closure. It gets you one more step closer to the next steps that's soon to come." He said holding me and I smiled, I was happy with how my life was turning around, before I was unsure but maybe this is the right thing, it's almost been a full year without him, and moving on from Josh might be exactly what's needed for myself.

Sorry for the delay on updating, I've been busy, but I can give a simple spoiler since I was late... Josh wakes up next chapter. c: Might update early. <3

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