chapter 1: this is how it all began...

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stilinski household

*knock, knock, knock*

"You ready yet? I don't want to be late on the 1st day of school!" the muffled voice came from behind the door.

I groan. "Alright. I'm almost ready!" I reply.

It's my 1st day of high school. I'm so excited. NOT. My best friend moved away last year and I really don't know or talk to anyone else.

Well except for Stiles, my brother, and his friends. Don't get me wrong, they are all lovely people. It's just that I feel like they all live in their own little world and I'm excluded. It's like they know something I don't. But after all they are Stiles' friends, not technically mine. Well except for one. Allison. Besides Scott, who I practically see everyday, Allison was the one I saw the most. She was such a sweetheart. I can't believe she's g o n e...

Everything that happened in those couple of weeks is still a blur. Stiles' disappearance. Allison's death. I never really got a full explanation of either event. Not even from my dad. But I suppose in life there are things that happen where there are no logical explanations.

"Veronica!" an impatient Stiles yells from downstairs.

"Sorry, going!" I grab my backpack and rush downstairs where I meet him by the door. Dads already off to work. He wished us a great first day back at school earlier before leaving.

Stiles locks the door and we make our way over to his Jeep. This Jeep. It's been through so much. I don't know what exactly, but you can tell just by looking at it. But Stiles loves it. And if I'm honest, I don't think he'd give it up if he had the chance.

Stiles starts the jeep and on our way to school we go.

"Don't be nervous." Stiles says, interrupting my train of thought.

"W-what? I'm not nervous."

"Yes you are. And before you ask me how I know, you always tug on moms necklace when you are."

Stiles. Always paying attention to detail.

Moms necklace. Dad gave it to me as a present for my birthday earlier this year.

I was too young to remember anything when mom passed away. Just a baby. I have no memories of her. Nothing at all. Just pictures and stories. Those are my memories.

"Nothing major. Just first day jitters I guess."

"Well, it'll be fine. You don't have anything to worry about. And I'll be there if you need me." He smiles at me.

"Thanks Stiles." I smile back.

He pulls up into the schools parking lot. And there is Scott McCall standing next to his bike with his girlfriend, Kira, surely waiting on Stiles.

We got out of the Jeep and make our way towards them.

"Hey guys! Welcome to Beacon Hills High, Veronica!" Scott says.

"Thanks Scott." I reply.

Kira smiles at me and then turns to Stiles. "Before I forget, Malia told me she'll meet you by your math class. She said you are both taking the same one. And so is Lydia."

"Alright, thanks."

Malia is my brothers girlfriend, and I absolutely adore her. I think she's great for Stiles. She makes my brother really happy, and that makes me happy.

"Well, it was good seeing you guys," I say, "but I should get going just in case I get lost." I give a shy wave and I'm on my way when Stiles call out to me..


I turn around. "Yea?"

"Didn't you say you had Ms. Garcia first period?"

I check my schedule. "Umm, yea. Ms. Garcia. First period. Why?"

"What's the room number?"

"804?" I say, but it sounds more like a question rather than a statement.

"It's that way." Stiles says, pointing in the opposite direction.

"Oh...right.. Silly me." I say as I start walking in the direction Stiles is pointing. "What would I do without my big brother?"

Stiles smiles and begins walking with Scott and Kira. My guess is they are going to meet with Malia and Lydia.


I'm almost done with the day. Just one more class. I go to my locker to leave some books I was given earlier. I have a few minutes until I have to go to class. I just stand there...glancing here and there. Not really looking.

The bell rings, so I close my locker and turn to walk towards class. As I do so, I meet someones eyes. Blue eyes. He stands by his locker across the hall. We look at each other until he finally smiles. I smile in return. He shuts his locker and starts walking to class, his eyes still on mine. I can feel myself blushing and have to look away. When I look back, he's no longer there.

He's lost in the crowd.


in the jeep on our way home

Stiles is talking about his classes. And also about lacrosse. He always gets excited when he talks about lacrosse. I let him talk, let him go on and on. I like listening to what my brother has to say. But I find my thoughts elsewhere. I find my thoughts drifting back to the boy with the blue eyes across the hall, when...

"Veronica!" Stiles says as he gives me a slight shove on the shoulder.

"Geez! What was that for?"

"I asked how your day was."

"Oh, sorry. Umm, it was great."


"Yea, great...I guess."

"Oh, ok. Good."

"Yup. Thanks."

We pull into our drive way and get out of the Jeep and make our way towards the front door.

And this is how it all b e g a n...

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