Chapter 6-'You are in Love mate'

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Hi guys i know im uploading early. But i figured why not since some of you already read it. Anyways i hope you all like the double post (and the chapter itself). Think of it a 4th of July BONUS! :D

Feedback please?


Chapter 6


Michael takes Jenna’s hand and goes upstairs and John takes my hand and looks into my eyes, like he’s looking for something.

And I couldn’t pin-point the emotion in his eyes; it was mixed. Like joy, excitement, nervousness, unsure, maybe confused?

But I want to be with him; and that’s all that’s really going through my mind.

True, I only just met him yesterday, but that’s all it took. Two days and I’m falling for the player that claims to be and ‘ex’-player, just for me.

He smiles as if he found what he was looking for and his dimples poke out making me melt.

I smile back and he leans in and gives me a quick peck on the lips.

Then he looks back into my eyes and opens his mouth to speak.

“Jessica, I know we barely know each other, and you probably think I’m still a player. But I really, really do like you. I never had a girlfriend before, just flings and games. But there’s a first for everything and so I want you to be my first, will you be my girlfriend Jessica?” he asked me not breaking our gaze even once.

He really really likes me, I’ll be his 1st girlfriend, do I trust him?

Leap of fait?

“Yes. I want to be your girlfriend John, but…You have to promise me one thing.” I said.

And he smiled showing me those dimples again; I don't think I’ll ever get tired of them.


I smile “Don’t ever cheat on me, or lie to me.”

“Jessica, I promise I will never cheat on you nor will I ever lie to you.”

I smile wider if possible and throw my arms around his neck in happiness. He wraps his arms around my back and waist and picks me up off the couch and spins me.

He stops but I’m still in the air in his hands and I look at him in the eye as he looks at me.

“Hi.” I whisper and he smiles and kisses me.

He licks my bottom lip and again I let him in, and our tongues explore each other’s mouths.

I deepen the kiss and he pulls me closer and I wrap my legs around his waist.

Oh boy, I don't know how I’ll go through school looking at him without kissing him.

He breaks the kiss and we breath heavily.

“I don’t know if I’ll ever be able to let you go” he says chuckling and holding me tighter.

I smile and, still holding me, he walks over to the sofa and sits and I end up straddling his lap.

We kiss again and it turns into a deep heated make out session.

And I loved it. Kissing him feels so right and just so….I don't even know how to describe it.


“Ughhh finally.” Michael groaned when the movie finished.

“C’mon it was an awesome movie.” I said.

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