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"Thanks for helping me Cat," I said as she passed me my bags.

"Are you sure you won't stay and talk this out. You guys always make up," she says to me. 

I check my fresh tickets and see that I'm gate 7.

"Not this time. I'll miss you though," I tell her, giving her a hug.

"It won't be the last time we see each other. You'll have to come and visit," she smiles. 

I hitch my bag onto my shoulder and make my way to the check-in desk. 

I'd literally just bought my ticket back home and with the help of Cat, she let me into Harry's room when he wasn't in so I could pack my bags. 

Harry had tried to contact me loads but I kept my phone off, only letting Anna know that I was coming back home. Her and her family were away on vacation so they wouldn't be home, but there was nowhere else for me to go. I got to my gate and switched my phone on, seeing if she'd messaged me back. Within seconds it started ringing. But it wasn't Harry.

"Hi Lou," I sigh.

"Cat's just told us that you're leaving. Please don't go. Not even for the benefit of Harry but for us. No-one wants you to leave," he tells me.

"I'm sorry but I can't be near him right now. He cheated on me Louis and I don't deserve this," I argue back.

"That's why no-ones talking to him. Especially Zayn. Lara's even gone home too," he says.

"Good. I'll talk to you later, my planes coming in," I say. 

Just as I'm about to hang up I hear Harry in the background. "Is that Sarah? Lou give me the phone!" He shouts. 

Before I hear what he has to say I ended the call. 

I sigh deeply and gave the ticket to the steward.

"Hope you had a good trip!" He says happily.

"Yeah right," I reply sarcastically. 

That One Night SequelWhere stories live. Discover now