New York

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Over the next few days I perked up abit, knowing that I was one more day closer to seeing Harry again. 

I wanted to give him a special surprise when I got there so me and Anna went shopping the day before. We walked into Ann Summers and I was immediately bombarded by people asking me what I wanted, or to measure me. 

I tried on countless pieces of underwear but none really stood out until Anna brought me a black set. It was just black lace, plain and simple but I loved it! I bought it without hesitation and threw it in my suitcase when I got back. I couldn't wait to see the look on Harry's face. Soon enough the morning came for Danielle to come and pick me up. I made sure she came to Anna's house and not mine, to stop the drama. 

I said goodbye to Anna but told her I would talk to her everyday and tell her everything that happens.

"Good luck with your 'surprise'," she winks at me. My cheeks immediately blush. It made me think if I was actually ready for this. 

We got on the plane and I readied myself for the long flight. We would only get to New York at 8pm tomorrow so I had a lot of free time on my hands. I spent most of my time catching up with Danielle and having a good old gossip and then the rest was spent eating and sleeping. I slept quite a lot so I didn't have to catch up on it when I was there. 

Finally we touched down on American soil. A limo took us to the boys hotel and me and Danielle rushed in. We were greeted by Cat who told us where the boys were staying. As soon as I knew where Harry was I rushed up the stairs and knocked on his door.

"Room service!" I shouted.

"But I haven't ordered..." Harry says opening the door. As soon as he sees me his face lights up. "Sarah!" He yells. I drop my bags as he picks me up and swings me around. I bury my head into his neck, being able to smell his aftershave. I didn't want to let go but he put me down and kissed me passionately. My hands flew to his chest as some sort of instinct and pushed him away lightly. He looked a bit disappointed but I didn't want to ruin the surprise.

"God I missed you!" I tell him. He grins and picks up all my bags. "It's alright I got them," I tell him dragging them into his bedroom. "I'm just gonna freshen up!" I yell to him. I watch him take a seat on the couch and carry on watching TV so I go to his room and grab the underwear out of my bag. I go into the bathroom and shut the door. 

Looking in the mirror I realise I should've brought my makeup with me too. My eyeliner is all under my eyes and my hair is a mess. I take it out of the messy bun, luckily it's still curly so the soft curls fall down my back. I take off the out of place makeup and lick my lips, making them soft. I then get changed into my surprise. I looked again in the mirror and felt a bit self conscious. What if he doesn't like the way I look like this? I thought about it for a while but then I decided to hold my head up high. Confidence is the most attractive thing. I took one last deep breath and opened the door. I couldn't believe I was going to do this.

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