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We were sat in a dainty cafe outside in the blearing sun for our lunch. I had my sunglasses on and my shoulders out, hoping to get a bit of the tan before the sun disappears for the summer.

 "How are you feeling?" Anna asked me from across the table, sipping a fruit smoothie.

"Better now I've done some shopping to be honest," I laughed. It had taken my mind off Harry and Lara and it was really fun to do it with Anna. I'd spent quite a lot of money though, mostly my Christmas money, but who cared, I was grieving. So I'd gone all out and bought loads. 

I'd bought some new converse and pumps. A new blazer and some disco pants. Angel Wings necklace and some quirky superman earrings and a London Boys jumper. Also for some fun and to remind me of him I bought an I Love Harry jumper. I laugh at the thought of him seeing me wearing it.

"I don't trust Lara one bit," Anna pipes up.

"I never did, even when I didn't know her," I replied sighing. I knew there wasn't anything I could do about the fact she was there with the boys and I was still stuck here. I trusted Harry to make the right choices. Too bad I didn't trust Lara. 

I checked my phone for the millionth time that day.

"Sarah it's only one o'clock. He'll still be on the plane until tomorrow morning," Anna tells me. I sigh, wanting to be able to hear his voice and hold his hand. I'd turned all soppy, and he'd only been gone a couple of hours. 

We chatted more over our burgers for lunch, neither of us choosing the healthy option of salad. 

My phone started ringing, which was Harry singing Just the Way You Are to me. My cheeks blushed at the mere sound. I answered it quickly.

 "Hello," I said, hoping to hear that raspy voice.

"Hey sweetie!" Layla shouts down the phone. I sigh quietly.

"Hey what's up?" I ask her.

"Nothing, I was just wondering how you're feeling, also wanted to know if you wanted to come shopping with me. I'm finally free of my family," she laughs.

"Thanks Layla but I'm already out shopping with Anna. We came straight from waving the boys off this morning," I told her. She stayed silent for a moment.

"Anna who?" She asked.

"Anna Holland," I replied. I heard Layla grit her teeth as she exhaled loudly.

"Fine. Have fun," she said abruptly before putting the phone down. I removed my phone from my ear, shocked.

"Who was that?" Anna asks me.

"Do you know someone called Layla Callis?" I question. I see Anna's shoulders tense at the mention of her name.

"Yeah I've heard of her," she replies smiling weakly.

"How do you know each other?" I ask her sitting up properly.

"We used to be best friends," Anna tells me fiddling with the hem of her Jack Daniels t-shirt.

"Used to?" I continue, testing the water. She eyes sharply look at me.

 "Yeah. Used to," she says, looking back down and I knew then that the conversation was closed. Hopefully I'd be able to get more out of Layla.

That One Night SequelWhere stories live. Discover now