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"So where are you taking me now?" I ask Zayn.

"Ever been to a pizza parlour before?" He asks me.

"A what?" I'd never heard of one before.

"You've never been?! Well we definitely have to go then," he says grabbing my hand.


"So you actually eat in here with your hands?" I ask picking my greasy pizza up.

"Errr yeah. That's the best bit," Zayn laughs. I groan and take a bite of my pizza.

"Mmmmmmm," I say, this pizza was delicious. In the end I'd eaten every last bit and boy had I enjoyed it. "Wow that was so good!" I exclaim.

"I knew you'd be surprised," Zayn grins. "You've got a little something on your face," he chuckles reaching to my face. He gently strokes my cheek, staring into my eyes. My cheeks immediately blush.

"How did I find someone as perfect as you?" He asks. 

And in that moment I felt horrible. My stomach churned and I looked away. 

Zayn paid for the meal and we walked back to the apartment. I made the excuse that I didn't feel too well and went to bed early. 

But I couldn't sleep. Was I a bad person for doing this? I was only trying to get back what was really mine. Eventually I felt myself drift off to sleep.

That One Night SequelWhere stories live. Discover now