More Friends

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I walk away from Ronnie and open the door. Black Veil Brides is standing there, in all their beauteous glory.

"Why hello," I say. "Welcome."

Ronnie walks up behind me. "Hey, guys, it's nice to see you!" He says. "I would've answered, but she took my phone." He looks down at me in mock anger.

"Oh, shaddup," I laugh. "I'm more important, and people like me more."

"Who are you?" Ashley asks. I'm grateful he actually asked me, instead of asking Ronnie like I'm not here.

"My name's Katrina Ryder," I say. Jacky comes up behind me and envelopes me in a hug.

"Yeah, she's my bestest friend and Ronnie's friend-with-benefits," He says.

"Am not!" I protest.

"You're not my best friend?" Jacky asks, faking a hurt voice. "I thought we had something!"

"No," I giggle. "I am your best friend, I promise. Ronnie and I, however, are most certainly not friend-with-benefits."

"Aw, come on, babe," Ronnie laughs, and so does everyone else.

"Well, since Ronnie's a dick and hasn't done so, how would you all like to come in?" I ask, stepping out of the doorway.

"That would be nice," CC chuckles. They all file in the door and sit in the living room - Andy, Ashley, Jinxx, CC, and Jake - with Ronnie, Jacky and I following.

"So, Katrina," Ashley asks when we're all settled. "How'd you meet this bunch of losers?"

Ron, Derek, and Jinxx are sitting on one couch, with Andy, Ryan, and Jake on the other couch, with Jacky sprawled across them.

CC is sitting on the floor next to Max, in front of the couch Ron, Derek, and Jinxx are on, and Ronnie and Ashley are sitting on either side of me.

"I came for a concert and I had a backstage pass," I say nonchalantly. "Jacky found me first, and introduced me to the rest of these goons."

"I heard her hooting and hollering about being free," Jacky laughs. "When I first saw her, she was smiling and laughing and spinning in circles, and then she fell. I went over to see if she was okay, and that's how we met. Then I took her back here and she met the rest."

"What do you mean, free?" Jake asks.

"I turned eighteen, I'm still getting used to it," I reply.

"When?" CC asks.

"Ugh, I'm not telling you," I laugh.

"Why not?" CC whines.

"Because I figure you're going to make a big stupid deal about it when I don't need you to," I moan. "I've never celebrated a birthday, and I've been just fine with that."

Okay, never celebrated a birthday was a lie. I celebrated one birthday, and that was my thirteenth birthday. I celebrated by trying heroin for the first time (beginning my addiction) and getting drunk off my ass with my mum. But I couldn't very well tell them that.

"What?!" Andy says, shocked. "You've never celebrated a birthday before?"

"No," I reply.

"Why not?" Ronnie asks.

"It's a long story," I say. "But long story short, my mum was in jail and her friend I was staying with didn't know when it was."

"Oh," Ronnie says. An uncomfortable silence falls, and I feel awkward for saying that.

"It's fine," I laugh, breaking the silence. "I don't mind not celebrating my birthday. I can have cake and a party whenever I want, why seclude it to one day a year?"

"When was your birthday, though?" Ryan asks. "I'm gonna keep asking until I find out."

"Doesn't matter," I respond.

"Tell me," Ryan persists.





After going like that for a minute, everyone starts joining in and chanting 'Yes!' along with Ryan. I finally give in, putting my forehead to the floor.

"Fine," I moan. "It was July eighth."

"What?!" Jake shouts. "That was three days ago!"

Ashley busts out singing (very loudly and obnoxiously), "HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU, HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU!" Everyone joins in, and I groan, wishing I could melt into the carpet.

"I'm gonna kill you all," I whine, and Ashley laughs.

"You know you love us," He giggles.

"Nope," I respond. "I don't even know you." I sit up and lean against the wall.

"Ouch, Kat," Jacky says, playfully holding his heart. "That really hurts! I think I'm gonna cry!"

"Well, then, go," I mock.

Then CC says what I was hoping no one would say -


Are you enjoying it? I promise, I'm trying to make it good. This is all happening in one day, I can't believe it. I'm making this day so long.

I should have Kat's sister call her, shouldn't I? Seems reasonable, since Kat's been gone so long.

Anyways, as always, drop a comment, and thank you for reading!!! :)

Good Girls Bad Guys (A Ronnie Radke Fanfiction)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang