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This chapter goes out to hardcoreambur <3


I get all signed out, and follow Ronnie, Lia, and Vic out of the emergency room. When we walk into the waiting room, I'm surprised to see Black Veil Brides and the rest of Falling In Reverse and Pierce The Veil. I stop, unsure what to think of PTV being here; I don't really know them, and I haven't really listened to them; so I kind of hide behind Lia and stare at them warily.

"What's wrong?" Lia whispers over her shoulder.

"Not good with new people," I whisper back. "Especially new famous people. I was okay with Jackie, because he was so goofy and comforting and, of course, I didn't meet him coming straight out of a hospital."

"Oh, honey, I'm sorry," Lia whispers, rubbing my arm affectionately. I sigh, wishing I could just leave, but then everyone starts to come towards me, asking questions a mile a minute.

"Are you okay?"

"What happened?"

"Are you on drugs?"

"How long did you do them?"

"Does this happen often?"

"Are you going to be okay?"

"Do you need anything?"

I start to feel light-headed, and I begin to panic. I try to keep my breathing normal, but it's hard, and I find my breathing becoming more and more shallow. I tug on Lia's sleeve, and tears begin to form in my eyes, so I look down. Lia takes my hint, and starts trying to back away with me.

"Hey, guys?" Lia says, and the questions and crowding stops. "Could you give Kat some space? I'm not trying to sound rude, but I mean... She just got out of the emergency room, and she's really not good with crowds of people, so could we please just get her out of here?"

"Of course," Vic says. Ronnie is still glaring at him.

I gently reach out my hand and touch his arm, and he looks at me. I smile gently, and he grins and plants a kiss on my lips, then snakes an arm around my waist protectively before glaring at Vic again. I sigh, and resign trying to keep him from hating Vic.

We all eventually make it out; Ronnie, Lia, Jackie and I getting into Ronnie's car, with myself in the front passenger seat and Lia and Jackie canoodling in the back seats. I grin as I glimpse them in the mirror, infinitely happy that she found such a nice, caring, loving guy like Jackie.

Once we get back to Warped, PTV all says their good-bys and get-wells and goes off to their bus. Vic looks at me affectionately, and catches a glare from Ronnie that they both hold for a minute before Vic jogs away to catch up with the rest of his band. I give Ronnie a disapproving look, and he shrugs his shoulders and grins, as if it can't be helped. I grin back, unable to stay mad for long.

"So, what do we want to do?" Andy asks, breaking the silence that had lasted since PTV left.

"I dunno," Derek laughs.

"We should go out," Ashley suggests. "Get a celebratory drink that Kat's okay."

"Ashley," I giggle, "With you, everything deserves a celebratory drink. Hell, I think you just want to go get drunk and meet up with girls at the hoochie bar." Everyone laughs, and Ashley does, too.

"Not gonna deny it," Ashley says. "That is pretty much it." Which, of course, makes everybody laugh harder. Even me.


It seems as though we're having a party. Andy and Christian called their girlfriends: Andy's - Ivy, and CC's - Raven, and Ashley brought Sapphire again, and as it turns out, they're fuckbuddies (um okay :b). There are a few new girls here, too, and we decide to take the party (I guess) outside, behind the bus where we have a kind of mini backyard.

Andy had strung up some lights around, and there are a few tables with various snacks on them, a lot of them left over from the movie night where Jackie and Lia got together. I'm glad - I don't have to go out again and face... Him.

The four new girls make their way over to me and introduce themselves - there's one with shoulder-length ginger hair and green eyes, and a splash of freckles across a cute nose; one with long, mid-back length jet-black hair and blue eyes, with pale skin and soft pink lips, and she's really thin; one with short purple hair and more tattoos then all the rest of them (it seems everyone here has tattoos, I'm glad I got mine in rehab), and brown eyes the colour of caramel latte and olive skin; and one with blonde hair that comes down to the top of her (big) breasts, blue eyes, and beach-tanned skin.

"I'm Kaycee," Says the girl with the ginger hair, "But you can call me Kay or Ceecee." She smiles really big, and kisses me on each cheek, and I return the gesture.

"Rayne," The girl with the jet-black hair says in a soft voice. She smiles shyly, and I give her a warm smile in return.

"Avril," The girl with purple hair says. She pops the bubblegum in her mouth, and cocks her hip in an attitude-y way. I grin, and she does the same.

"Arabella," Says the girl with the blonde hair. "You can call me Belle or Bella if you want."

We talk for a few minutes, getting to know each other better. I find out that Avril is Derek's girlfriend, and Arabella is Vic's girlfriend (yikes!). Kaycee and Rayne are Sapphire and Raven's friends, and they're currently single, though Rayne has her eye on Ryan.

PTV joins the party, and Bella cuddles up to Vic, though I'll turn to catch him staring at me multiple times. I try to keep my distance from him, though I can't help the few times he tries to to come over and talk to me.

"Have you told her?" He asks.

"Who?" I ask, playing dumb.

"You know..." He says, looking around. "Arabella."

"No," I sigh. "I'm going to leave that to you. Though, if you don't, I'm going to."

"Going to what?" Ronnie asks, slipping an arm around my waist and glaring at Vic as he plants a very long, very hot kiss on my lips.

Vic snorts, and I pull away, looking at him.

"Problem with something, Fuentes?" Ronnie asks.

"Nah," Vic says. "It just surprises me that you're not over a peck on the lips, and you're still trying to make me jealous because of a stupid mistake with a stupid girl."


Ohhh shiiiiit...

What do you think is going to happen?

I don't know where my ideas came from... But hey - drama is always good, right? Makes for an interesting story :)

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