Backstage Pass & Meeting Jacky

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I walk up to the front gate and hand the guard there my ticket. He scans it and hands it back to me, unlocking the gate and allowing me in.

I walk in and look at all the fans. There's so many, I can barely squeeze through them all and find my way to the backstage gate.

I stand in front of the gate, not seeing anybody. Wasn't there supposed to be-

"Name?" I heard someone ask. I look to my right and see another security guard.

"Katrina Ryder," I say. I show him my ticket, and he looks at his giant tablet - which I assume has the list on it. He holds it next to my face, and startles me.

"What are you doing?" I ask, backing away.

"I have to make sure you're the right person, and not claiming falsely to be someone," He responds in a kind voice, showing me the screen. It has a picture of me on it; I remember now it was required I send in a picture of my face so they could do a face recognition thing at the backstage entrance.

"Oh," I say, feeling more comfortable. He matches my face to the one in the picture, and allows me backstage.

I wander around, taking it all in. I only just turned 18 three days ago, only just got released from the juvenile detention facility. Freedom was still a new, strange concept to me, but damn - it felt good.

I see a bench, and I sit down on it. I close my eyes and lean back, letting the sun warm my face and bare arms, covered by tattoos I had gotten in the facility when I was 16 (they had an amazing tattoo artist in there, and he was kind of my boyfriend so he gave me free tattoos whilst I stole candies and other shit from the counselor's office for him [She had a closet full of sweets for the good people - ones who got up on the dot, made their bed, did their chores exceptionally, et cetera]).

I feel a cool breeze, contrasting the warmth of the summer, and it feels really good. I open my eyes and stand up, then tilt my face up, throw my arms out, and start spinning and laughing. It feels so good to be finally, at last, free.

"I'm as free as a bird now!" I shout. "I can do anything!"

I keep spinning and laughing and whooping until I fall to the ground, dizzy as shit. I don't bother trying to get up - the soft grass feels so good against my arms, and I just lay there and smile with my eyes shut, enjoying being free outside for the first time in two years.

I hear someone walking up to me, but I ignore them. "Are you okay?" They ask, and I can tell it's a male voice. He has a soft British accent, which is nice.

"I'm on top of the world," I whisper, a tear running down my cheek. I'm so happy. "I'm finally free."

"Free? What do you mean, free?" I hear them sit down next to me.

"I- I don't really want to talk about that, if you don't mind," I whisper. I bite my lip to keep from crying; this time out of sadness rather than joy.

I think back on all the painful memories of my past life. Rape, multiple times; heroin; alcohol; juvenile detention / rehabilitation, where in was made fun of and beat up every single day until I was afraid to leave my room.

I think about all the mean, cruel names they called me:


"Hey?" The guy says, shaking my shoulder. "Are you okay? You're crying."

"I'm alright," I say, sitting up with a sigh. I take my pocket mirror out of my purse and see that, thankfully, none of my makeup has ran.

I dry my cheeks, taking care not to smear my makeup, and catch a glimpse in my mirror of the guy I was talking to.

I turn around to face him, and it's Jacky fucking Vincent. I immediately blush, embarrassed that I was crying in front of him. "Sorry," I mumble, turning away.

"For what?" He asks, scooting in front of me.

"You must think I'm a freak." I hang my head and fidget with my thumbs, and he puts a hand over mine.

"I don't," He says. "I think that whatever you were thinking about, it must have been pretty painful."

"It was," I sigh. "But those days are over. I'm free, and I have a fresh start." I straighten up and look him in the face. "Hi," I say. "My name is Katrina Ryder."

"Hi," He laughs, surprised from my sudden change in demeanour. "I'm Jacky Vincent."

"Lead guitarist for Falling In Reverse," I say with a smile.

"Yeah," He says. "Not a lot of people get that. They're all focused on Ronnie; they think he's the only member of the band just because he's the lead singer."

"Well, I don't think the singer is the only one that makes up a band," I tell him. "I don't think Ronnie could do the job of Max, Derek, Ryan, and you all by his lonesome whilst singing."

Jacky laughs. "I don't think so, either." He suddenly seems shy. "Would um... Would you like to come meet the rest of the band?" He asks.

"Oh, sure," I say nonchalantly, but inside my inner fangirl is screaming her bloody lungs out.

Jacky stands, and offers me a hand up. I take it, being polite even though I don't really need it. We smile at each other, and Jacky leads the way to his band's tour bus.

I hope you like it! My chapters tend to be long, so there's plenty of stuff to read before the next update. I try to update at least once a day, and more than that if I have time betwixt school and homework and marching band and JROTC, so don't get too impatient with me please! I'll try my best to update every day, and don't be afraid to comment ideas you'd like to see happen!

Also, if you want an OC of yours with a band member (whether it's from FIR or some other band you'd like in the story), don't be afraid to message me about your OC (and who youwant them with) and I'll see what I can do (though, most likely your character will be brought into the story)!

Thank you for reading! :)

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