Phone Call and More Points

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Ronnie's phone rings, and he takes it out of his pocket. As revenge for him letting everybody see his hand betwixt my legs, I snatch it out of his hand.

I slide it to answer, and say, "And who the hell is this?" Whilst pushing Ronnie away so he couldn't take the phone.

"Um, who is this?" A voice asks. It's low and sexy, one I'd recognise anywhere.

Andy Biersack.

"Ronnie's phone," I reply. "Now, who is this?" Even though I already know.

Ronnie looks at me, pleading, and I stick out my tongue. "Please?" He whispers. I shake my head and grin, and he falls back on the couch, exasperated.

"My name is Andy," I hear through the phone. "Where's Ronnie?"

"Up your ass," I reply, and laugh. Everyone looks at me like wtf? so I put the phone on speaker.

"Everybody say 'HI, ANDY!'" I say, and everyone shouts spastically, "HIII ANDYYY!"

We hear Andy laughing through the phone, and Andy laughs, "Seriously, where's Ronnie?"

"In between Katrina's legs!" Derek shouts, and everyone laughs. I realise Ronnie is laying in betwixt my legs, and ponder how I didn't notice that before.

"Who the hell is Katrina?" Andy asks.

"Come over and find out, cockfuck!" I giggle, and Andy sighs.

"Guys," I hear him call to his band, "We're gonna go see the gang."

"Who?" I hear someone yell through the phone.

All of Falling In Reverse shouts, "WAASSSAAHHHP!"

And everyone through the phone shouts back, "WAAAAAAASSSSSAAAAAHHHHHP!"

So I guess they figured out who it is.

"We'll be over in ten," Andy says, and hangs up. I toss the phone on Ronnie, and he huffs at me playfully.

I hop on Ronnie's lap, and he let's out a sharp breath. "Dammit, Kat," He laughs. "That hurt."

Feeling like I haven't gotten sufficient revenge from his hand betwixt my legs, I subtly grab the front of his pants, making sure none of the other guys can see. I lean into his ear and whisper, "I'm gonna take you down," and squeeze. He inhales sharply and his hands curl into fists at his sides.

I smile and let go, and then stand up. "Two to one, Ronnie."

He glares at me, but his eyes are filled with lust.


Katrina jumps onto my lap, knocking the wind out of me. "Dammit, Kat," I laugh. "That hurt."

She grabs my dick, and I try not to look affected. She leans her head down and whispers, "I'm going to take you down," before squeezing me.

I inhale sharply, wanting her more than ever. Jesus, this feels so fucking good. I curl my hands into fists at my sides, and bite my cheek to keep from moaning.

Then she stands up and says, "Two to one, Ronnie," and smiles.

I glare at her, but I'm filled with lust. She has no idea what she's just gotten herself into.

"Is there anything to drink?" She asks.

"There's some soda in the fridge," Ron says absently, absorbed in his phone. Jacky and Ryan are playing Chutes and Ladders, like the kids they are, and Derek and Max put in Iron Man.

Katrina gets up and walks into the kitchen, and opens the fridge. She bends over, I'm guessing trying to decide what soda she wants. I take the chance and sneak up behind her, and then use both hands to smack her ass.


She stumbles forward an inch with a moan, and then stands up, turning around to face me. "What the hell, Ronnie?" She giggles.

"Payback's a bitch," I reply. "Two - two."

"I will get you back, fuckboy," She says.

"Oh will you, now?" I ask. I trail a finger down her neck, and she closes her eyes and breathes deeply. Then I bend down and brush my lips against her collarbone, hearing her take in another breath. "Three - two," I state, pulling away.

"You wait, asscock," She warns. "I'm gonna get you so hard it'll count as the fatality."

"Mmm, I'd like to see that," I taunt. I grab her hips and nibble her neck, and she reaches her hands behind me and pulls my hair.

Jesus, I love it when she does that. It feels so good, and turns me on so bad. I feel myself getting hard, and quickly pull away.

"Fine," I moan. "Four - three."

She flips us around, so my back is against the now-closed fridge door. She runs her hands up my sides, lifting my shirt. Her hands on my bare chest feel really good, and I lean my head back.


I run my hands up Ronnie's sides, lifting his shirt in the process. Then I place my hands on his bare chest, and I see him lean his head back. I plant a kiss on each of his nipples, and he lets out a soft moan. I take that as a cue that I'm another point ahead, and move my hands up to his hair.

I bring my face closer to Ronnie's, and softly kiss his jaw. Then I move my hands up to his hair and give it a soft tug as I kiss from his jaw to his collar, earning another moan.

Satisfied that I'm now ahead, I pull away. "Five - four," I tell him smugly.

"We'll see how long that lasts," He says, and we hear a knock on the door.

I was going to include BVB in this chapter but by the time Kat was satisfied it was already 900 words so I decided to stop :(

FYI for those who don't know that's Max Green in the picture so ya

They will, however, be in the next chapter, so yay! :D

As always, drop a comment / message me.

Thank you for reading, I hope you enjoyed! :)

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