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"So," Lia says, smirking. "What have we here?"

"Um, nothing," I respond. But I mean, come on - Ronnie is on top of me, and both of us have our shirts off. What does it look like we're doing?

"Uh-huh." Lia laughs. "Well, I just wanted to let you know that, if you want to come with the band, then I will, too."

"I do," I say.

"Good," Lia giggle, "Because I already packed our stuff."

I giggle, too. "You know me so well, it hurts."

"I know, darling, I know." She smiles. "Well, I'm going to let you two get back to whatever you were doing. But remember-" She looks at Ronnie "-protection."

With that, she walks out of the room and shuts the door.

"Now, where were we?" Ronnie asks, nuzzling my neck affectionately.

"Here," I say, grabbing his hair and pushing his lips against mine.

"Mmm," He moans, and smiles. "Eager, are we?"

"Yes, very," I murmur against his neck. Then I kiss and suck on it, leaving a hickey. I give him five more hickeys across his neck before pulling his lips back to mine.

He runs a hand down my thigh to the space in between my legs, where he presses down and starts rubbing. Heat shoots throughout my body, and I moan.

I rake my nails down his back before latching on to his hair and tugging, earning a groan from him.

I move one of my hands down to the hard bulge in the front of his pants, gripping it and moving my hand up and down.

He and I are so close in this moment that I can't tell whose sweat is smeared all over my body; whose mouth is silently crying out in pleasure; whose heavy breathing I hear.

Ronnie begins to undo my pants, as I begin to undo his. With effort, we both manage to get our pants off. For a brief second I feel a twinge of worry about my bra and panties not matching, but in this moment I don't care.

Neither of us do.

Ronnie kisses and bites me everywhere, leaving a trail of little hickeys going from on my neck to on my chest to on my stomach. I do the same to him.

Our lips meet again, and we engage in a tongue battle for dominance. Ronnie, of course, wins, but I don't mind.

Just then, Ronnie's phone starts to ring. We ignore it and continue on, but whoever it is calls four times.


I try to ignore my phone, but on the fourth time the person calls, I pick it up with a sigh.

"Yes, Andy?" I say.

"Yeah, I was wondering if we could come over," Andy says. "We could all get drinks at the club or something. If Kat's okay with it, of course. After what happened last time..."

"Right now?" Kat mouths, and I ask Andy that.

"Yeah," He says. "Unless you're busy..."

I look at Kat, and she shrugs. I sigh, and tell Andy he can come.

"Great," Andy says. "We'll be over in ten."

"Alright," I say, disappointed. I toss the phone to the floor.

"We can finish this later," Kat smiles.

"Yeah," I sigh. "But still though - he is such a cockblock."

We both grin.

Good Girls Bad Guys (A Ronnie Radke Fanfiction)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang