Bruises In All The Places They Can't See

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It's been about forty-five minutes, and Kat still hasn't returned. I decide to call her.

She picks up on the fourth ring. "Hello?" She says. She sounds shaky, and her breathing sounds laboured.

"Are you okay?" I ask. "I'm worried sick! Where are you?"

"I stopped at my house to grab some pyjamas for me and Lia," She explains. I get the feeling that she's not being completely honest with me.

"What else?" I ask.

"Nothing," She replies, and I decide not to push it. Why would she lie? I didn't give her any reason to. Yet I can't shake the feeling that something bad happened.

"Okay," I sigh, letting it drop. "When are you gonna be back?"

"I'm almost there," She responds cheerfully. It sounds forced.

"Alright," I say. "See you soon." I hang up, still feeling like there was something more that she wasn't telling me.


Ronnie calls, and asks if I'm okay. "I'm worried sick!" He says. "Where are you?"

I explain that I was at my house, grabbing pyjamas for Lia and I. He asks if there's anything more, but I say no, so he lets it drop.

"When are you gonna be back?" He asks.

"I'm almost there," I say, forcing cheer into my voice. I see the gates to the Warped Tour concert place, and sigh.

"Alright," Ronnie says. "I'll see you soon." And then he hangs up.

The nice clerk pulls into the parking lot and shuts off the car. "Do you need help with anything?" She asks.

"No," I reply. "But do you need a ride home? I could ask my sister to give you one."

"No," She laughs. "I'm quite alright. Thank you, though."

"Are you sure?" I ask.

"Yeah," She says. "I just live a few blocks down, I can walk." She smiles at me and says, "Bye," before leaving the car.

I stay sitting in the car for a few more minutes before gathering my strength and pulling myself out. Jesus Christ, I think. This is fucking painful.

I walk up to the gate and ask one of the guards if he can help me with my groceries. He says yes, and assists me in carrying them back to he bus, along with mine and Lia's pyjamas.

"Thank you," I say, taking a few more tens out of the wad. I hand them to him as kind of a tip, and he smiles and walks away.

I lug all the snacks into the kitchen of the bus with some help from Ronnie and the guys. We get it all neatly set up on the table, and I hand Lia her pyjamas.

"Thanks," She says, giving me a hug. I hug her back, and then she asks Jacky where the loo is. He points down the hall, and she scurries in and shuts the door so she can change.

"You can change in my room," Ronnie says. "If you want."

"Yeah," I say. "Thanks. Where is it?"

"Last room on the right," He replies. I make my way carefully down the hall, my entire torso and thighs hurting like a sonofabitch.

I close his door and look around; it's nice. He has king size bed and a huge dresser, with a huge full-body mirror on one wall. I strip out of my clothes and stare at my body. From the bottoms of my breasts down to a few inches above my knees, I was completely bruised.


I see Lia come back out in her pyjamas, but after five more minutes, Kat still hasn't come back out. I walk back to my room and knock on my door, asking, "Kat? Are you okay?"

"Um, yeah!" She calls out. "Don't come in! Stay out there! I... Erp... Haven't got a shirt on!"

"Alright," I say through the door. I hear her scurry to put her clothes on, saying 'ow' and 'shit' every five seconds.

"Are you sure you're okay?" I ask.

"Yeah, totally fine," She replies. After a couple more seconds, she opens the door and smiles. "See? Fine," She says, pecking me on the lips.

"If you say so," I murmur. I put an arm around her waist, and she winces in pain.

I stop, turning so I'm standing in front of her. "Kat," I say, serious. "Please, tell me the truth - are you okay?"

Ooooooooohhhhhhhh! Shit's about to go DOOOWWWNNN!


Anyways, the picture is a representation of what Katrina's torso looks like. Now just imagine the on her thighs, too, and you'll be set.

As always, comment, message, the works.

Thanks for reading, and I hope you enjoyed! :)

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