Fine, Have it Your Way

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*Kat's POV*

I run back to Vic's bus, tears streaming out of my eyes. I open the door and fall onto where Vic is laying on the couch, and curl into him.

"I'm so sorry, hun," He murmurs in my ear. "I'm so sorry."

"It's okay," I mumble, looking up at him. Before I know it, I'm kissing him with all of the passion, anger, and sorrow in my being. He's on top of me, and I'm holding on to him with all my strength, not ever wanting to let go. 

I open my eyes, and look up into his beautiful dark brown ones, my heart surging. I continue kissing him, and soon I'm on top of him, his hands running up my sides. I kiss him with such a feeling I've never felt before.

If Ronnie wants to break me, he'll have to do better than sleeping with some whore and slapping me around, I think. I'm going to break him first.

Vic's hands find the hem of my shirt, and pull it up and over my head, then tossing it to the floor. His hands are warm against my bare skin, and in the moment, I'm so turned on and just absolutely loving this, that if we were to have sex, I'd totally be all for it.

I slide my hands up Vic's shirt, his tan skin smooth and unblemished, unlike mine, which is ridden with scars. I pull away from the kiss just long enough to pull his shirt off, then return my lips to his. I tangle my fingers in his hair, and tug it a little, earning a small moan from him, which makes me smile.

"Hey, Kat?" Vic asks, pulling away and sitting us up. He looks in my eyes, and I look in his, thinking of Ronnie and his brown eyes.

I push all thoughts of Ronnie out of my head and focus on Vic; this beautiful, bronze god. "Yes?"

"I know this might be a bit soon, and I'll totally understand if you say no, but..." He pauses, looks down, then looks back at me. "Will you... Um... Will you be my girl?"

I look at him in disbelief. He wants me? Of all people? "I... Uh... Yeah, I will," I stutter, and smile shyly, and Vic grins, kissing me again.

"I wanna do something," Vic says. He pulls out his phone, and goes on Instagram.

"What are you doing?" I ask.

"I'm letting the world know about my beautiful girl," He says. "Now c'mere, I want the world to see just how beautiful she is."

I lean in, and Vic takes our picture, both of us still shirtless, and filtering it before posting it with the caption, 'I just asked this beautiful angel out, and she said YES! ' Within seconds, it began getting likes, and withing a minute, it began getting comments. Some comments were ones wishing us luck, others were asking what happened between me and Ronnie, and others were saying how I was a whore that was using the band members for fame and Ronnie found that out and that's why he dumped me.

Vic turns his phone off and hugs me, kissing my cheek, my neck, and my collar. I hug him back, breathing him in - he smells so good, like vanilla and summer rain on a hot day. I nuzzle my face into his neck, and after a while, we both lay down and fall asleep.

*Ronnie's POV*

I sit on my bed, hating myself. I knew I'd overreacted by sleeping with that brunette whore, but I was just so angry, and I wasn't thinking. But I really hate myself because I slapped her. Kat, the girl I loved, now probably hates my guts.

"Maybe not," I mutter to myself. "Maybe I still have a chance. Not right away, of course, but maybe if I apologise and give her time, she'll come back to me." I grab my phone and begin to text her, but I see an Instagram notification from '@ piercethevic'. I feel myself getting angry again, but I tell myself to calm down. Probably just another random stupid selfie with his buds.

But as soon as I see it, my heart breaks and I get pissed.

"AAAAAHHHHHH!" I scream, throwing my phone across the room with full force. I hear it shatter against the wall, but I don't give a fuck.

Jacky comes into the room, worry in his eyes. "Ronnie?" He asks. "What's wrong?"

"Kat!" I shout. "She's a fucking little whore! Decides to try and get back at me by going out with Vic! Right as I was about to apologise to her, too! To tell her we still had a chance if she'd like to take it."

"Well, Ronnie, you slapped her to the floor," Jacky says.

"I know, but I was pissed at myself!" I growl. "I didn't mean to take it out on her! Why am I such a fucking UUGGGHHH!"

Jacky sits beside me, awkwardly rubbing my back. I sigh, and put my face in my hands wondering how I could have let such an amazing girl slip through my fingers over one tiny fuck up. Hell, I've done worse when I was drunk, and really, it's Vic I should be pissed at.

I sigh again, and fall back onto the bed. "I need a beer," I mutter. "Wanna go to the club with me, Jacky?"

"Ronnie, it's Tuesday."

"So? Less fans there to bother us." I look at him, pleading with my eyes. "Pleeeaaassseee?"

Jacky sighs, rolls his eyes, and laughs. "Fine, Ronnie, but I'm only going because I know you're going to get too hammered to drive."

"That's the spirit," I say, trying to forget all of my Kat troubles. Hopefully, this night at the club will do just the thing.

At least for now.

Good Girls Bad Guys (A Ronnie Radke Fanfiction)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin