Dear Players...Chapter 2- Part 1

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A: Hey! Thanks for all the support :D Here’s the next part…Hope you like it!


                I was awakened when someone decided it would be nice to shake my shoulders...hard. Even though I was now awake I still had my eyes shut tight in the hopes that the person would get the message and let me sleep. They obviously didn’t get the message because they kept shaking my shoulders; only now it was even harder. Finally, I open my eyes slightly expecting to see my mother towering over me. When I notice some guy was over me instead I let out a little squeak and jolted back; away from him. Except now I was even more confused. Where was I?

                Slowly I start to remember yesterday’s events as I take in my surroundings. Then, I also realize I had fallen asleep on the couch. Surprisingly I wasn’t sore. I still get up and stretch until my eyes fall on the boy standing there with a small smirk on his face. Great another one of Daniel’s friends I think rolling my eyes. But the more I look at the boy the more he looks familiar.   

                “Uh, Chloe why did you yelp?” the stranger says genuinely confused.

                I stare at him, my expression blank. How did he know my name?

                “Um, Chloe It’s me, Dan! Remember?” He half-yelled at me.

                That’s when I burst out laughing. Who was he trying to fool? That  was not my brother! But then I realized three things: 1) he was not laughing in fact he was glaring 2) he did look semi familiar & 3) his voice did sound like Dan’s. I immediately shut up.

                “Uh, Dan?” I say.

                He nods looking at me with a duh-it’s-me-stupid look.

                “Well, what happened to my nerdy brother?” I demand.

                “Um hi Dan, let me give you a hug since I haven’t seen you in four years.” He responds with an eye roll.

                So I jump into his now open arms and squeeze the living daylights out of him. Like seriously I can see him wincing, but hey he asked for it! After a few more seconds of torturing him I pull back and once again demand what happened to me nerdy brother.

                “I’ve grown up.” He says like it’s not the most obvious thing in the world.

                “I can see that.” I snap with another eye roll. Damn at this rate I’ll be crossed eyed by the end of the week!

                He chuckles softly before saying, “I see you're no nerd anymore.”

                “Why thank you.” I reply in a high-pitched snobby tone.

                “Oh, you’re welcome my Queen.” He says bowing before we both fall into a slightly uncomfortable silence.

                “So, I guess we’ve both blossomed, huh?” I blurt breaking the silence.

                He stares at me oddly before we both burst out laughing like old times. Five minutes later we are still slightly chuckling; our stomachs aching and our eyes slightly moistened. But in all seriousness we have both changed massively. I mean we used to be the nerd duo. He used to wear checkered sweater vests and I used to wear long jean skirts. With that in mind I’ll leave the rest to your imagination.

Stories From 2011 (Dear Players, What's Mine, Queen Bee)Where stories live. Discover now