chapter eleven

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Gwen and Jeff walked through the dark forest. So, how did you get here?" Jeff asked. "Three dudes kidnapped me." Gwen said. "I'm guessing they're the proxies?" Jeff asked. Gwen nodded. "Toby mentioned me being a proxy." She said, his name coming out of her mouth like glitter. Why? She didn't know, either. "Um... yeaaaah. Have you picked your theme song yet?" Jeff said. Gwen glanced at him, hopping over a tree root. "Theme song?" She asked. Jeff nodded. "But, it'll probably take you a while to figure it out." He said. Gwen shrugged. "Have you ever heard of the term BDSM?" Jeff suddenly asked. Gwen's eyes widened. "No, I'm not doing that with you." She said. Jeff laughed. "No, I was just asking. Toby's a dominant, so be careful." He said. Gwen scoffed. "As shy as he is, I'd doubt that." She said. Jeff chuckled. "Trust me, once you get to know him better, you'll find out. Most likely in training tomorrow, though." He said. Gwen rolled her eyes. Delusional. "Yeah, I'll make sure to call him sir at all times." She said sarcastically. Jeff chuckled. "Don't say that to his face." He said. As they got into the neighborhood, Gwen put in her earphones and blasted Sail by AWOLNATION (I love that song). As Jeff trotted in front of her, Gwen walked behind him. Jeff turned left on an intersection. Jeff stopped and turned around to look at her. He said something. Gwen took out her earphones, the faint sound of the music echoing through the dark night. "What?" She asked. "What kind of victims would you like to target?" He asked. Gwen tapped her chin. "Abusive parents." She said after a minute of thought. Jeff nodded and darted to a house. Gwen ran after him, panting quietly as they entered the house. "Okay, so the parents are on the left and I'll take the brothers. Do whatever you want to the girl." Jeff said as they quietly walked up the stairs. 'How does he know who lives here?' Gwen thought as she went to the pink door, most likely the girl's room. She opened the door quietly and walked in, closing the door behind her as she heard a faint sound of crying. "What's wrong?" Gwen asked. The crying stopped and a girl, about 12 years old, looked up in fear. "Please don't hurt me..." She whispered. Gwen sat on her bed. "I won't hurt you, I promise. Now, what's wrong?" Gwen asked again as the girl sat on the bed. "My brothers just raped me after my dad beat me..." She whispered. Gwen started playing with her hair. "I know how it feels. I was abused, too. What's your name?" Gwen asked. The girl wiped her eyes. "It's Wendy." She replied softly. Gwen nodded. "Now, I need you to stay in here while I go take care of your dad. Does your mom hurt you too?" Gwen asked. Wendy nodded.
"I'll be right back, sweetie." Gwen said as she stood up and quietly left the room, going into the parents room. They were asleep. Gwen walked over and poked the dad. He woke up with a grunt. He saw Gwen and before he could react, Gwen dragged her huge blade across his throat. He died with a satisfying chorus of gurgles. Gwen walked over to the mother and poked her in the eye. She woke up with a scream. Gwen plunged the blade into her stomach and twisted to cause more pain. The mother died with blood spurting from her mouth. Gwen digged her fingers into her eye socket and pulled out her grey eye. She put it in her pocket and dipped her finger in the mother's mouth of blood. On the wall, she wrote PAY THE PRICE, making sure to write it in the couple's blood. She smiled in satisfaction under her bandana. Gwen walked out and walked back into Wendy's room. Gwen sat on her bed. "Wendy?" She asked. "Please don't kill me..." Wendy begged. Gwen patted her on her head, making her flinch. "I told you I wouldn't hurt you, and I promised that. I keep my promises. Your parents are dead like you've always wanted, right?" Gwen asked. Wendy nodded slowly. "Well, I have to go, so I might not be seeing you again. By the way, my name is Gwen. But people call me Blood Cry. Don't ask why." Gwen said. Wendy wrapped her arms around Gwen's waist, hugging her. "Thank you. I'll never forget what you did for me." She said. Gwen frowned as she hugged her back. "Me neither..." She whispered. She gave the eyeball to Wendy to gradually took it. Gwen got up, gave Wendy a small peck on the forehead, and left with Jeff covered in fresh blood. As they walked in the forest, Jeff talked about his kill. "So, how was yours?" Jeff asked after his speech. Gwen was looking at the ground as they walked. "Fine, I guess..." She said quietly. Jeff sighed and wrapped an arm around her shoulder. "Trust me, it'll get much better eventually." He said. Gwen nodded, not believing him at all.
When they got into the mansion, Gwen was greeted by a boy with stitches all over his face and a scarf wrapped around his neck. "Hello, Gwen." He said. The boy looked at Jeff. "Jeff..." He said. "Liu." Jeff mocked. Liu rolled his eyes and walked away. Gwen suddenly felt eyes on her. She looked up and around and spotted Toby looking at her behind his goggles. Gwen blushed as she stared back. Toby reacted by looking back at the TV. BEN and Pinkie were playing a game. "Two enemies to your left." BEN warned. He suddenly threw the controller down in rage as Pinkie groaned. "What the hell?! I said left, not right!" He shouted. Pinkie through her hands up. "I thought you meant your left!" She said. BEN snapped his head at her. "What?! We have the same left!" He shouted. Gwen giggled as she walked over to a free spot on the couch and sat. BEN and Pinkie were playing Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare on the PS4, one of the many consoles that sat beneath the TV on a shelf. An idea popped into Gwen's mind. "Do you have Minecraft?" She asked. BEN turned to her and nodded. "Why? You wanna play?" He asked. Gwen nodded. BEN handed her a controller. "Who else wants to play Minecraft?" He asked. A gloved hand reached out to grab a controller. Gwen looked to see who it was. Apparently, she was sitting next to Toby. He was the one who took the contoller. BEN started up Minecraft and started a new world. Gwen instantly asked BEN to change to creative mode, which he did. Gwen got nine stacks of lapis lazuli and some quartz items. Toby, Pinkie, and BEN questioned this in their minds. Gwen began to build a house out of lapis lazuli. Then, she made a fence in a corner, filling it with chickens (I did this on Minecraft with my cousin... it's so annoying with all the clucking...). "Why..." BEN trailed. Gwen shrugged. He shrugged too and switched back to survival after everyone got what they needed. A house, food, weapons, armor, and stuff for portals. Pinkie and BEN made a Nether portal, Toby made an End portal and, Gwen made... an Aether portal. "I am the fallen princess of the Aether and I have come back to reclaim my throne!" Gwen shouted, startling everyone in the living room. She was quickly warming up to the Pastas.
"Okaaay..." BEN said awkwardly as he blocked a fireball back at a ghast. Pinkie was busy fighting blazes. Toby was just killing Endermen. What other choice did he have? Gwen kept killing flying cows for no apparent reason. "I'm really loving this Aether mod." Gwen said as she evilly killed more cows. "I can tell..." Toby muttered. After going in a dungeon and dying mercilessly, Gwen decided to join Toby in the End. She soon found him killing Endermen. Suddenly, Gwen's iPod began playing Love Me Like You Do by Ellie Goulding. Hm... she must've leaned on it and pressed play. The room was quiet enough that everyone heard it. Gwen blushed as she glanced at Toby. Back into the game, Gwen was killing Endermen with Toby. Gwen mindlessly began to sing as she played. She rocked side to side. She really did like the song. In the game, Toby crept up to Gwen and sliced her in the back. Gwen chased after Toby, swinging her sword just in case she ran into him and so she wouldn't miss. Well, she didn't and gave up. She saw the Enderdragon and squealed, startling everyone. "It's the Enderdragon! Aww, he's so cute!" She squealed. As she tried to 'pet' it, she died. Toby collected her stuff and left the End. He went to Gwen's house and gave her her stuff. "You're welcome." He said. Gwen picked it up. "Fuck the Enderdragon." She said. BEN chuckled and Pinkie laughed. Toby just kept playing. A couple of hours later, a boy with glowing yellow eyes and mouth with grey skin walked in the mansion. From his fingers hung strings. He groaned. "What's up, Puppeteer?" Masky asked. Puppeteer pointed to the door. Suddenly, three Slenderman look-alikes can through the door. One had a face while one only had glasses and another only had a creepy smile. Slender popped up. "Brothers..." He mumbled. The one with the face happily waved at everyone. "Splendy!" Sally squealed as she hugged his legs. Splendy patted her on the head. "I love what you did with the place, brother. The blood red curtains really match with the black walls." The one with the glasses said. Slendy groaned and facepalmed himself.
"Please calm yourself, Trender." He said. Trender laughed (that kinda laugh that makes you sound gay if you're a dude). The one with the creepy smile popped up in front of Gwen. Gwen looked up and yelped as he lifted her with his tentacles. With one of his tentacles, he rubbed her cl*t. Gwen struggled to keep herself under control, trying not to let the brain problem kick in. "What the fuck?! S-stop!" Gwen shouted. Slender popped up behind the rapist and the rapist stopped. "Offender!" Slender shouted. Offender groaned and gently dropped Gwen back on the couch. "Let me live, Slenderp." He groaned. Slender slapped him in the back of the head with one of his tentacles. Gwen sat on the couch as she stared at the screen. She shrugged and got up. "I wanna meet the rest of the Pastas. I know there's more." She announced. Masky nodded and led her down a hallway. More rooms were on the sides. Masky knocked on the first door to the left. Someone opened the door. It was a girl with light blue skin and rainbow hair with a scar on her eye and a red cape hanging from her shoulders. "Yo." She said. Gwen immediately noticed the voice (and the hair). "You must be Rainbow Dash." She said. Rainbow looked at her. "My real name is Rainbow Factory, but people call me Rainbow for short. What's you name?" She asked. "It's Blood Cry." Gwen answered. "Rad name." Rainbow said. "Well, I'm gonna go down and visit the Slendies." She said as she left her room, closed the door, and went downstairs. Masky led her to the next room and knocked on the door. The door swung open immediately, startling Gwen. The girl had black and red hair with a smile similar to Jeff's. She frowned (if that's possible) and slouched in the doorway. "Oh, I thought you were Jeff..."She said disappointingly. "This is Nina, number one fangirl of Jeff." Masky said. Gwen nodded. They went to the next room. Masky knocked on the door. The door opened. One thing that Gwen immediately noticed was a floating torso and a hat. "Whoa..." She said put of surprise. "This is Lost Silver. He doesn't talk much... or come out of his room." Masky said as he shrugged. Gwen stared at Lost Silver. The door gently closed. They went to the next door. Masky knocked on the door. (I'm so selfish for this). The door opened. The girl who stood in the doorway had blood red hair with extremely light blue eyes. Her eyes almost looked white. She was wearing a white vest with a red tank top. Her pants were vertically white and red striped and her boots were white with blood stains on the bottom. On her left arm was a fireball tattoo. She waved at Gwen. "Hey, I'm Shailyn, but people call me Bloody Winter." She said. Gwen waved back. "I'm Gwen, but I call myself Blood Cry." She said. Shailyn tilted her head to the left in confusion. "Blood Cry?" She asked. Gwen nodded. "Don't ask." She said. Shailyn shrugged. "Why do you have a fireball tattoo?" Gwen asked. Shailyn smiled, showing rows of white teeth. Instead of having a pair of fangs, she only had one on the right.
Shailyn extended finger at Masky. He stepped back a few feet. "This is what you get for spilling my rainbow snow that I made for Hoodie." Shailyn said. A small white fireball shout out of her finger, setting Masky hair on fire. Masky freaked out and started hitting himself in the head. "Put it out! Stop!" He shouted. Shailyn laughed at his agony before snapping her fingers. The fire on top of Masky's head disappeared, leaving some white smoke behind. Gwen laughed. "That was awesome!" She shouted. Shailyn chuckled at her reaction. "I think we're gonna be best friends." She said. She looked at her pale hand and tried to relax it. "Oh, my Slendy. These side affects are a pain in the ass. Well, really a pain in the hand." She said as she winced in pain. Gwen giggled. "Well, I'm gonna go downstairs and watch Jane get raped by Smexy." Shailyn said as she left her room, her door still opened. "Who's Jane?" Gwen asked Masky. He lead her downstairs. He then pointed to a girl that was nothing but black and white. Black eyes, hair, dress, and shoes, and paper white skin. Jane saw Gwen and approached her. "Hello, I'm Jane the Killer, but people call me Jane." She said as she extended a hand. Gwen shook her hand. "There's a lot of 'the Killer's here, isn't it?" She asked. "No, just three." Jane said. Her voice was calm and formal. "Who's Smexy, by the way?" Gwen asked. Jane nodded her head at Offender. "That's his nickname." She said. Gwen nodded and let go of her hand. Again, she felt eyes on her. Gwen looked around and spotted, surprise, Toby looking at her through his goggles. "What?" She asked. Toby looked away. 'Fucking weirdo...' Gwen thought to herself as she rolled her eyes. "What's up with your disguse?" Jane asked. Gwen blushed. "None of you buisness." She said. Jane defensively held up her hand. "I'm gonna go back to my room. I'm tired." Jane said before yawning. What time was it? Gwen looked at the clock and it was 3:30 am. How long has Gwen been here? What time did she get here? She shrugged it off, deciding to ask questions later. Suddenly, her head started to pound. She held her head and grunted in pain. She felt her nose fill with mucus and her throat get sore. She coughed, coughing up a little blood. "Gwen's got Slender Sickness." Jeff said. "Slender what?" Gwen asked, her voice sexy because she was stuffy. There was awkward silence for a moment. "Slender Sickness. You get it when you come to Slender Mansion and become one of us. You need to go lay down, child." Slender said. "But, I don't have a room." Gwen said after sneezing. She started to feel hot, but she shivered. "You'll have to stay with Toby until a room is vacant." Slender said. "Bloody Winter, please giver her some aspirin and take Blood Cry upstairs to rest." He said to Shailyn. She got up with a groan. "I'm not your proxy anymore." She said. "You're still alive, so technically you are." Slender said. Shailyn rolled her eyes, but Gwen couldn't really tell since her light blue color blended with the whites of her eyes.
Shailyn walked Gwen downstairs and rang a buzzer. The metal door opened. A bloody doctor stood in the doorway. "Hello, Shailyn." He said seductively. Shailyn groaned. "My bestie here needs aspirin. She has Slender Sickness." She said. "You'll have to pay the debt, first." The doctor said as he wiggled his eyebrows. "Dr. Smiley. I would be more than glad to report you to Slenderman if you don't stop." Shailyn said, her voiced laced with an angelic tone. Dr. Smiley mumbled some curses and disappeared from the doorway. Gwen sneezed. Shailyn patted her on the back. Dr. Smiley handed Gwen a bottle of aspirin. "Come again." He said before closing the door. Shailyn led Gwen to Toby's room and lay her on the bed. A cold glass of water was waiting for Gwen on the nightstand. Shailyn helped Gwen take two pills while giving her water. The cool water leaked down Gwen's throat. Gwen soon coughed after, coughing up a little more blood that before. Shailyn pulled a white silk hankerchief out of her pocket and gave it to Gwen. "I don't usually give my hankerchief to people, but you look like you need it the most. Goodnight." Shailyn said as she left, gently closing the door behind her. Gwen stared at the ceiling, too tired to fall asleep (don't scold me, it's just a saying). After about an hour, the door opened and closed. "Are you sleep?" Toby asked. "No." Gwen said in a deep voice. Toby walked to the other side of the bed and sat down, taking off his hoodie and his jeans, replacing them with pajama pants and a black t-shirt. Toby lay down in the bed, his clothes on the floor. "Aren't you gonna take off your mask?" Gwen asked. "No, I'm not. Get some rest, you've got a long day in front of you." Toby said as he turned, his back facing her. Gwen sighed as she let her eyes close slowly. Wait, she didn't take off her mask. Gwen untied her bandana and took off her eyepatch. The bandana would make it a lot harder to breath and the eyepatch would be annoying. Gwen sighed as she fell asleep.

Lost and Found ~Completed~Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang