chapter one

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Gwen shuffled into the blue house very slowly. She closed the white door behind her, trying not to make too much noice. Her father, William, stepped into the hallway. 'Fuck...' Gwen thought to herself. She adjusted her purple book bag over her shoulder. "Good afternoon, father." She said. William nodded once, his face emotionless as usual. "How was school today?" He asked. Gwen knew where this was going. She chewed on the inside of her cheek. "It was good. We didn't learn anything knew today. Where's mom?" Gwen asked, avoiding the conversation about her grades. "She's currently at work, but she'll be home for dinner. Come and sit down." William said. Gwen nodded and walked into the living room. She sat on her white L-shaped couch, making sure to sit far away from her father's spot. The doorbell rang. Gwen shot up, dropping her book bag on the floor. She trotted to the door and opened it. It was her best friend, Toby. He smiled awkwardly. "Hey, can you come over my house today? We can do homework together." He asked. Gwen held up a finger. She walked to her dad. "Can I go over Toby's house? We wanna do homework together." She asked. William nodded towards the door, gesturing yes. Gwen grabbed her book bag, made sure to lock the door, and walked with Toby in the summer sun. "How's you and Jack?" He asked. "I'm fine. Jack went to college about a week ago. Sorry I didn't tell you it's just that my dad... He locked me in the closet for three days straight with barely any food or water. I accidentally cracked his favorite glass." Gwen explained. Toby and her didn't say anything for the rest of the walk. Toby opened the door for Gwen, his neck silently cracking. When she walked in, she was met with two pairs of bright eyes. "Who's that?" The woman asked as Toby walked in and closed the door. The girl slowly walked towards her like a lion to a zebra.
"Oh, this is Gwen, my best friend. Gwen, mom, Lyra. Mom, Lyra, Gwen." Toby introduced. Lyra and Mrs. Rogers's eyes widened. "Best friend? You have a friend?" Lyra asked. They were probably referring to Toby's problems which earned him no friends, just bullies. Toby nodded. "We've been friends since 7th grade." He said. "Why haven't you ever invited Gwen over before?" Mrs. Rogers asked. Toby glanced at a picture of his father. Lyra and Mrs. Rogers mouthed 'Oh'. Gwen rocked on her heels. "Well, now that she's here, I've made homemade pizza. Do you want to join us?" Mrs. Rogers asked Gwen. She smiled. "I'd love to, thanks." She said as she followed Toby into the dining room. She sat down by him, not really comfortable with sitting by Lyra and Mrs. Rogers yet. It takes her a while to adjust to people before she makes a bond. Mrs. Rogers took the homemade pizza out of the oven. She carefully laid it of the table, slipping off her oven mitts. She cut the pizza into eight slices, everyone getting two slices and a side of salad with orange pop to drink. "Thank you. It looks lovely." Gwen said. Mrs. Rogers smiled as she sat down, giving a thankful nod. After they ate, Toby and Gwen went to his room to do their homework. They both had the same classes all day together, so it would be much easier for them. Gwen took out her homework folder and pulled out a sheet. Their homework in Humanities was to fill out an information form. Gwen took out her pencil and began writing.

Full Name

Gwen Christine Nichols




1 brother, mother, father




128 E 61th Rd

Career of Choice


Gwen peeked at Toby's work. "What do they need our addresses for? Stalkers..." Toby mumbled. Gwen giggled. Toby smiled a little. Gwen took out her Math folder and frowned. "Hey, Toby?" She asldd. Toby looked at her with his bright hazel eyes. "Yes?" He asked. "Do you... do you think you can help me with my math homework?" Gwen asked shyly. Toby nodded and scooted closer to her. As Toby helped her with her homework, Gwen followed his instuctions. She stole constant glances at him. She smiled when Toby checked her work and she got it all right. "You're really good at math. Maybe one day, you'll become a math teacher." Gwen said. Toby chuckled. They looked each other in the eye. "Maybe you'll get a nice family, a nice house, and a nice life." Gwen said. Her smile faltered a little. "Maybe I could be that special one for you..." She whispered. Toby and Gwen got closer... and closer... and closer... and "Mom said you both could..." Lyra trailed off. Toby and Gwen's eyes shot open. Their lips were just brushing together. They both moved and blushed. "I thought that was your best friend..." Lyra said with a big smile. "Yes, sh-she is!" Toby said, his shoulders jerking up. Lyra laughed. "You love each other, don't you?!" She shouted. "No!" Toby and Gwen said in unison. "Just go out with each other. You look perfect together now that I'm paying attention." Lyra encouraged. Gwen and Toby blushed.
"Anyways, mom said that you can come down to play video games when you're done with homework." Lyra said. She smirked and closed the door, her footsteps getting distant. "L-let's finish out homework..." Gwen said shakily. Toby stared at her for a minute, then took out his homework folder. Sex Ed. "Oh, God..." Gwen mumbled. She opened her folder, her eyes being met with a male's area. Luckily, it was just a diagram. Gwen looked over at Toby. He was occupied with writing homework. Her eyes trailed down to his crotch. Without knowing, her hand touched it. Toby's head shot up. He snapped his head at her. Her hand was still idle and she pressed down. She blushed. "What are you doing?" Toby asked quickly. Gwen yanked her hand away. "I'm so sorry!" She said. Toby blushed. "Gwen! Really?" He asked. She shrugged. "If curiosity did kill the cat, I'm already dead." She said. Toby protectively covered his crotch. "That just felt weird..." He said. Gwen smirked. She continued her homework. Toby reached over and poked her harshly. "Eh, you could've done better." Gwen mumbled. Toby scowled, but then smirked. He grabbed both sides of her face and crashed his lips into hers. Gwen's eyes fluttered closed. The kiss became more passionate. Gwen backed up. "I'm done with my homework." She whispered. Toby raised an eyebrow. "So?" He asked. Gwen tilted her head. "I want to bond with your sister. She might disapprove of these on those." She said as she pointed to her lips then his.
Toby nodded and stood up. Gwen followed him downstairs. "Lyra?" He called. Lyra poked her head out of the kitchen. "Yes, Lover Boy." She said with a smirk. Gwen smiled at the floor. "We're done with our homework." Toby said. Lyra nodded and skipped into the living room. She turned on the PS4 and plopped on the couch, three controllers in her hands. "Gwen has to make an account. I know for sure she'll be coming over a lot." Lyra said with a big smile. Gwen blushed and smirked. Lyra patted the spots next to her, making sure to sit on the end of the couch. Gwen entered her username as XplanatoryUnneeded. Toby raised an eyebrow at her name, but Gwen just blew a rasberry. "My explanation is unneeded." She said. For the rest of the day until 10:30, they played Minecraft, letting the console cool off every 2 hours for 20 minutes. When it was time for Gwen to leave, Toby walked her home, getting stares from fellow classmates living in the neighborhood. "Well, here you are." Toby said. Gwen unlocked her door. The door flung open, her father standing there with his trademark glare. "Uh, dad..." Gwen said shakily. "Where the hell have you been?!" William shouted. "I was over Toby's house, doing homework. When we got done, we played a game and I guess I lost track of time. I'm sorry." Gwen apologized. William clenched his fists. "Get. In. Here." He said sharply. Gwen turned around and gave Toby a big hug. "I'll see you tomorrow..." She whispered, her voice cracking. She tried to walk into her house, but William stopped her. "Fill the bath tub with water." He said. Gwen whimpered. "Dad, please..." She begged. "Go!" He yelled. Gwen ran away sobbing. William looked at Toby. "You make sure the next time she comes home, it's before nightfall. Understand, boy?" He asked. Toby swallowed the lump in his throat. "Monster..." He said before he ran home.

Gwen cried as she filled the bath tub with warm water. She just couldn't take this anymore. Every little thing she did came out the wrong choice. The bath filled and she stopped the water. William came in and locked the door after closing it. "Is it filled?" He asked. Gwen nodded slowly. She stared at her reflection in the water. Suddenly, her head was shoved into the water. She tried to lift her head, but Williams arm was too strong. Gwen thrashed her legs and arms. She couldn't breath. She imagined her lungs filling with water like that scene from Divergent when Tris was trapped in that tank. Gwen sobbed and screamed, choking on the water. Her vision started to turn bright white, but that may just be the bath itself. It began to have black dots. Hm, that wasn't there before. The dots crowded her vision like static. This wasn't the bath tub, this was her. Gwen was dying. She fought against the urge to just sleep. Just close your eyes and drift into another world. You'll never see your father's face again. But, then Toby popped in her mind. And her mother. And her brother. That's who kept her locked in place. But, sleep was so much better. No worries of her mother dying, brother dying, Toby dying. No! Don't sleep... But, it was sleep that overwhelmed her. Gwen closed her eyes and fell into a dark void of nothing. Nothing but a bright light.

Come, my child...

Oddly, the voice came from behind her. Gwen turned around and saw nothing.

Yes, walk towards the darkness. Your future awaits, my child.

The voice was so assuring. But something was pulling her to the light. Gwen struggled. "Let me go! Let me live the rest of my life!" She shouted. The force stopped and she ran into the darkness.

Welcome home, Gwen...

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