chapter three

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Author's Note

Toby's Skin (eye color doesn't matter... it's just a game)

Gwen quietly sat next to Toby. He was just staring at the wall. She poked him, but he ignored her. Gwen frowned. "Y'know, you can't ignore your own girlfriend." She said as she crossed her arms. He ignored her. An idea popped in her mind. "Fine, then. If you ignore your girlfriend, I guess I'm not your girlfriend. In other words, I'm breaking up with you." She said. Toby's eyes widened, but he still didn't look at her. Gwen sighed and stood up. She grabbed her a and slowly walked to the door. Right before she was about to grab the doorknob, Toby was right behind her and wrapped his arms around her waist. "Please don't leave..." He begged. "Will you ignore me?" She asked. Toby shook his head in the crook of her neck. Gwen giggled and put her hand on her side. Toby squeezed tighter and pulled her back. Toby purposely sat on the bed with Gwen on his lap, still in his tight grip. "What're you trying to do?" She asked. Toby chuckled as he turned her around. Gwen wrapped her legs around him. "What are you trying to do?" She asked again. Toby chuckled before he mother-boated her chest. Gwen let out a yelp, but stayed in place. She blushed as Toby stopped and looked at her. He smirked at her reaction. "Did you like that?" He asked. Gwen face turned red. Toby laughed. Gwen giggled nervously. "Grab onto my shoulders, please." Toby requested politely. Gwen tilted her head, but did as he asked. "Why are you acting so different?" She asked. "Y'know how I told you I'm bipolar? Different situations trigger different personalities." Toby said. Gwen reached over and grabbed a water bottle. "You're thirsty, so here's some water (vine)." She said as she smirked. Toby grabbed the bottle and opened it. He brought it up to his mouth to take a sip, but he poured it on Gwen instead. "Hey!" Gwen shouted. Toby laughed. He tossed the empty water bottle in the trash and smirked at Gwen. Gwen scowled at him. "Now I'm all wet..." She said disappointingly. Toby chuckled. "I seduced you that fast?" He asked.
Gwen realized what she said and blushed. "I d-didn't m-mean it l-like that." She said nervously as Toby stared at her. "My leg tells me otherwise. It's kinda warm where your crotch is." He said. Gwen turned red again. Toby chuckled. He snaked his hand up her shirt. Gwen tensed as his finger went inside of her bra. He started tugging on it. He reached his hand behind her back and slowly undid her bra (I guess unclipped is not a word). Lyra walked in and froze. "Hi, Lyra." Toby said as he also froze. "What did I walk in on?" Lyra asked awkwardly. Toby shrugged and slipped off Gwen's bra. "That's for you to determine." He said. Gwen just sat like a statue. Lyra blinked. "Mom wanted to know what you wanted for dinner." She said. Toby slipped Gwen's shirt off. She yelped and covered her chest. Toby chuckled. "You're both girls and I've seen way more than that." He said. Gwen scowled at him. "Ahem." Lyra said impatiently. "Oh, yeah. It really doesn't matter. Whatever you and she wants." Toby said. Lyra walked over and tapped Gwen on her nude shoulder. She yelped and turned her head to the side. "What do you want for..." Lyra trailed when Toby tried to pry Gwen's arms open. Gwen growled and kept them closed. "Lasagna." Gwen struggled. Lyra backed up. "Okay, I'll leave you to it." She said before running out of the room, making sure to close the door. Gwen loosened her arms. Toby groped her boob. "Are you serious? Stripping me in front of your sister?" Gwen said, struggling to hold back a moan. Toby chuckled as he squeezed harder. "She walked in on us doing it. Relax so it can feel better." He said. Gwen relaxed her arms, and it did feel better. She whimpered.

I'm so sorry, but this scene needs to be shown for important information.

Toby pinched her nipple. Gwen groaned. "See, I told you it would feel better." He said. Gwen groaned as he pinched harder. "How's your mom?" Toby asked as he leaned closer. "Fine, but Mom and Dad's been fighting a lot more. A week ago, I think he raped her, but I'm not so sure." Gwen said. Toby put his mouth on her nipple. "Is that a sort of punishment?" He said, his voice sort of muffled. "Sometimes, Dad would touch me down there, but I get over it." Gwen said. Toby licked it once. "Y'know, that's molestation. Why don't you call CPS?" He said. "You don't call CPS when your father does stuff. Even if he's drunk." Gwen said. Toby growled and bit her nipple. Gwen stifled a groan. "Don't bring up my dad, okay?" He threatened. Gwen nodded, but then blushed. "You want me, don't you?" She asked. Toby nodded as he flicked his tongue over her nipple. Gwen tightened her grip on his shoulders. He started rubbing her cl*t through her underwear (I typed it! I overcame my fear!). Gwen moaned and ran her fingers through his hair. Mrs. Rogers walked in. "Um, Toby." She called. Gwen screamed and pushed Toby back. Toby shrieked manly and covered themselves with the blanket. "Mom!" Toby shouted. Mrs. Rogers smiled. "Just checking on you." She said. Toby groaned. "Really?" He whined. Mrs. Rogers laughed and walked over. She ruffled Toby's hair. "Lyra told me what she saw last night and just a minute ago. It's fine." She said. Gwen turned red again. "But why is her hair wet? Are you trying to get kinky?" Mrs. Rogers asked. Toby blushed. "Mom!" He shouted. Mrs. Rogers laughed. "You're 17. It's about that age when teens get interested." She said. Gwen giggled of how open she was being with her son.
"Try it, just not now. Lyra and I have to leave at night, so that'll be the perfect time." Mrs. Rogers said. She waved and left. Gwen laughed at Toby's face. His mouth was hanging open and his eyes were wide. "Wanna try it?" She askdd. Toby closed his mouth and looked at her. He shrugged. "Your mom is really cool." Gwen said as she stood up. She slipped on her bra and her shirt. Toby and her walked downstairs. Lyra laughed. "You wanna play Minecraft while mom cooks dinner?" She asked. Toby nodded and Gwen shrugged. For about two hpurs, Toby, Lyra, and Gwen played Minecraft. Gwen literally made a whole mansion out of nothing but lapis lazuli and quartz. "Are you serious?" Toby asked. "My explanation is unneeded." Gwen said. Lyra laughed. 5 minutes later, Lyra's house was filled with creepers. As soon as she walked in, her house exploded. "Troll..." Gwen giggled. Lyra groaned. "Gwen?! Why would you do that?!" She shouted. Gwen snickered. "My explanation is unneeded." She said. Toby laughed. "I will let you live in my mansion. If you don't blow it up." Gwen said. Lyra nodded thankfully. When it was night time, everyone went to their rooms inside of Gwen's lapis mansion. Gwen stayed up watching her pig hostages. Toby sneaked into her room with a diamond sword. Gwen crouched and played with a baby pig like an idiot. Toby was right behind her. "Nice butt." He said as he hit her with the sword three times. Gwen died and died laughing. "I have been overthrown by the king!" Gwen said. Lyra ran into her room, filling it with TNT. Gwen spawned back into her bed. "What are you doing? What the fudge are you doing?!" She yelled. Lyra set off the TNT with flint and steel. Everyone died and the room blew up. "Why would you do that?!" Gwen yelled. Lyra and Toby laughed their hearts out. "Siblings rule!" Lyra shouted. Gwen groaned as they chanted the same line over and over again. An idea popped in mind. A couple Minecraft hours later, Toby and Lyra were starving. "Hey, Gwen. Do you mind giving us some food." Toby asked. Gwen gave them 'potatoes'. Why didn't they check the name. Toby and Lyra ate, but they were poisoned to death. "Poison potatoes! That's what you get for blowing up my mansion!" Gwen said. Gwen also destroyed their beds, so now they spawned in mooshroom island. "Why?!" Lyra shouted. "My explanation is unneeded." Gwen giggled. Toby still laughed.

Sorry for the short chapter...

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