chapter ten

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Author's Note

Blood Cry's weapon. Blood Cry is Gwen's CP name.

Gwen coughed as she ran through the thick smoke. "Who started this?!" Gwen shouted at her mother. She didn't hear her. Gwen followed the orange flames to... Toby's house. Gwen ran in that direction, kicking the door down. The fire alarms were going crazy. "Hello?!" She shouted. She heard Mrs. Rogers yell something Gwen didn't understand. Gwen ran to the kitchen, but froze in the living room. She could feel bile rising in her throat as she stared at Mr. Rogers dead corpse. His face was smashed in and his fists were clenched like he was putting up a fight. She kept running into the next room. She saw Mrs. Rogers crouched in a corner, shaking like a cornered dog. Gwen ran over to her and extended a hand. Mrs. Rogers grabbed her hand and stood up. They tried to run through the garage, but the flames blocked their way out. They turned around to go the other way, but the wall bursted into flames. Gwen turned around and dashed out of the garage, darting to the left to ignore the flames. Gwen and Mrs. Rogers ran to the ring of fire. Gwen saw a figure standing in the middle. The way the person twitched rapidly, she screamed, "Toby!". Toby turned around and came out of the ring of fire. His clothes were only slightly burnt. He smiled. Mrs. Rogers covered her mouth as she sobbed. Gwen looked into his eyes, filled with insanity and sadness. "Toby, you didn't do this... did you?" Gwen asked quietly. Toby laughed. "I still love you." He sang. Tears and blood leaked down her face. Toby lay a palm on Gwen's stomach. "That should be enough proof." He said. Gwen took a step back. "You... I thought you wore... No! No, stop fucking with me!" She yelled. Toby smiled. Gwen froze as she saw someone, no something, towering over Toby with its hand on his shoulder. Toby looked up and... disappeared. Gwen sobbed as she ran to safety with Mrs. Rogers still in her tight grip. They ran into Gwen's house. As soon as she heard the door close, she fell to her knees and cried in her hands.

Four Years Later...

Gwen lay in her bed and stared at the ceiling with a blank face and a blank mind. She couldn't think of anything else but white walls. She had the baby about six months after the fire, but she put him up for adoption so William wouldn't find out. But, sadly, it didn't work out well. William exploded into her room, but Gwen didn't flinch until he grabbed her hair. "You got pregnant again?!" He yelled. Gwen blushed. William growled as he dragged her to his room. He took out a pocket knife and charged at Joahnna. He grabbed her from behind. Joahnna screamed. "This is what you get." He said as he dragged the blade across Joahnna's neck. Gwen watched as her mother fell to the floor. This is exactly what happened to Diane (no, not Pinkamena), her original mother. Joahnna was literally all Gwen had left, and now she had nothing. This was extreme emotional abuse. Gwen looked at the puddle of blood forming around Joahnna's head in fury. But then, she heard a very quiet flame inside of her head. Then a baby crying. The sounds made a cycle, growing louder and louder until everything went dead silent. Gwen's mouth curled up in a smile. She giggled as she looked at William. "It's time for you to pay. The. Price." She said darkly. She lunged at William, grabbing the pocket knife and stabbing him in the throat. As he fell on the bed, Gwen stabbed him until the knife began to make squishy sounds every time she plunged the knife into him. Gwen panted and dropped the knife. She ran out of the room, noticing what she done. Gwen ran into her room and found a bandana and an eyepatch from Halloween. She tied the bandana around her mouth and snapped the eyepatch over her blue eye, slipping off her bloody clothes and changing into a purple hoodie and black ripped jeans with her lace boots. She ran downstairs and found the biggest, sharpest knife in the kitchen. She put her hair in a messy ponytail and ran out of the house. She rapidly looked around and ran towards the dark forests.
As soon as Gwen entered the forest, the atmosphere changed from a sunny afternoon to a dark, cold night. She stopped running and crept through the forest. She heard a twig crack. "Hello?!" She shouted. Not watching where she was going, Gwen tripped over a tree stump and fell on her right arm, scratching it up after falling on a small thornbush. She sat up and hissed in pain. She then heard thundering footsteps. "Knock her out." Toby said. Wait... To-

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