chapter six 1/2

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About Two Weeks Later...

"Hey, Gwen." Toby said in her doorway. Gwen smiled. "Yes?" She asked. Toby rocked on his heels. "Caaan I come in?" He asked. Gwen stepped out of the doorway. "Sure. My mom is home, if you finally want to meet her." She said. Toby walked in and closed the door. "You have a beautiful home." Toby said. Gwen nodded. "Who's that?" Joahnna called. "Oh, Mom. I want to introduce you to my boyfriend, Toby." Gwen said as a woman walked into the living room. She looked identical to Gwen, just older. "How long have you two been dating? I've never seen him." Joahnna said. "We've been dating for a couple months. I don't want to bring him over if William's home." Gwen said. Joahnna nodded. The house phone rang. Gwen answered it. Her smile faltered. "What do you mean he's missing?!" She shouted. Gwen started crying. "How would you know it's him?!" She yelled in frustration. Gwen hung up the phone. "Mom, Jack went missing!" She shouted. "What? Get in the car, we're going to the college. Now!" Joahnna shouted. Toby and Gwen followed Joahnna to the car.

□■Time Skip■□

"Jack!" Gwen yelled into the field. Toby tapped her on the shoulder. "I know this is a horrible time, but I need to give you something." He said as he blushed. Gwen sighed. "I need a break anyways." She said. Toby gave her a red velvet box. "I know you like horror movies, so I got you that." He said. Gwen opened the box and it was literally a heart. Gwen smiled and gave him a hug after putting it in her hoodie. Someone bumped into them. "Get outta my way!" He shouted. Gwen broke the hug. "Jack!" She screamed as she ran after the man. Toby ran with her. Gwen was two inches away from the man in the hoodie, Jack. The man darted to the side, dodging a rock that Gwen didn't. "Goddammit!" She shouted as she held her head. Toby ran over to her. "Are you okay?!" He shouted. Gwen put on a determined face and got back up. She began running. "Jeez!" Toby shouted before running after her again. Gwen was back on Jack's trail. "Jack?! Who the fuck do you think you're running from?!" Gwen yelled. Jack ran a little faster. "God, you run like you're inhuman..." Gwen mumbled as she attempted to run faster. Toby caught up with her. "Wow, I didn't know I could run that fast." He said. They jumped over a stream and rolled to the other side, instantly popping back up and running. Gwen and Toby dodged what seemed like hundreds of trees and stray animals.
They saw Jack a couple feet away. "Okay, if we run fast enough, we'll be able to catch up with him." Gwen said. Toby nodded. "This feels really good all of a sudden." He said as he took off his hoodie. When Jack turned to the left, Gwen grabbed Toby's hoodie. She dropped it on the corner they were turning. "What was that for?" Toby asked as they ran a bit faster. "Checkpoint." Gwen said. Jack wasn't far, but still out of reach. Through Gwen's eyes, the forest kept flickering from day to night. Through Toby's eyes, he kept seeing people, but they disappeared when he looked at them. "This forest is messing with my head..." Toby said. Him and Gwen finally caught up to Jack. Gwen tackled him, knocking off a blue mask. Jack struggled, but Gwen was stronger. She held his hands behind her back. Jack went into her hoodie and grabbed the velvet box. "What are you doing with that?!" Gwen shouted. She froze when she saw his hand. It was grey. Jack squeezed the box, making it turn black. He threw it and struggled more, knocking Gwen off of her. She was in pure shock. "Toby!" She shouted, but he didn't come. Jack got on top of her and held her hands down. "Stop! Get. Off!" Gwen shouted. Jack chuckled darkly. "You really should look at me." He said, a tiny bit of demonic laced in his voice. Gwen opened her eyes and screamed at what she saw.

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