chapter twelve

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Gwen was walking around and so far she found three pages. Nothing scared her. A little bit later, Gwen froze and backed up. She looked at the huge contraption in front of her. "Wow! That's a big ass dildo!" She shouted. She could hear laughter (Markimoo, I stole your line... deal with it). Gwen looked around the dildo, not finding a note. Suddenly, there was static. Gwen's head pounded. She turned around and saw Slender towering over her. Gwen let out a startled yelp and ran away from him, the static fading out. She leaned against a tree and caught her breath. Right in front of her was the fourth page. She ripped it from the tree and the words above her now read 'pages found: four'. Gwen groaned. "I hate this!" She yelled, her voice echoing throughout the forest. The static was heard again. "Aw, shut the fuck up, man!" Gwen shouted as she darted to another note she saw in the distance. When she ripped that note from the tree, she leaned against it and caught her breath again. Suddenly, Gwen was lifted in the air by her feet. In front of her was Slender. Gwen growled and took out her knife, quickly slashing his tentacle off of her ankles. Slender let out a groan as Gwen fell to the ground and took off running. "Fuck you, Slenderp!" She shouted. She found a note by a small playground and took it. "Only two more fucking bullshitty notes left..." She muttered to herself. Gwen continued her bullshitty adventure. Snow started to lightly fall from the sky. "How long have I been here?" Gwen asked herself. Gwen heard a faint sound of Shailyn squealing, "Winter!". Gwen chuckled. In the corner of her eye, she saw another note. She darted to the note and grabbed it. Static. Gwen groaned loudly. "You. Are. Such a dick." She said. When she ran in the other direction, the static still continued. Gwen looked up, down, and all around with no sights of Slender. "Clever, clever. Trying to make me run away from you, tire me out, then go for the kill. Sneaky bastard..." Gwen mumbled to herself. Gwen saw a note in front of her, grabbed it, and the static ceased. When Gwen turned around, she froze. A dog with a smile and a grey mangled-dog looking thing was in front of her. The actual dog just stared at her while the mangled grey one slowly crept towards her. Gwen's eyes widened when her back hit a tree. The thing raised its claw and pounced at her. "Fuck!" Gwen yelled as she held her hands up in defense, but no impact came.
When Gwen put her hands down, she saw Toby holding the weird dog thing by the neck. When he let it go, it scurried into the distance. Toby whistled, making the dog with the smile come over to him. "Go on home, Smile." Toby said. The dog ran home. "Good boy!" He shouted as the dog disappeared into the fog. "How..." Gwen trailed. "Rake and Smile weren't part of the test. I was just out and I saw you when I was walking back to the mansion." Toby said. Gwen blushed as he held out his hand to her. Gwen latched onto it and hoisted herself up. As they were walking home, Gwen poked Toby. "Thanks. For saving my life." She said shyly. No reply. Instead, he slammed her against a tree. Toby put his forehead in the crook of her neck. The way he breathed on her made Gwen shiver. "Do me a favor and stop getting into trouble all the time, alright?" Toby asked quietly. Gwen nervously nodded. Toby backed up, satisfied with the look on her face. "You probably need to get back home before it gets too cold." Toby said, pretending nothing happened. On the way home, Gwen started to shiver. Her teeth chattered and she hugged herself for warmth. Toby noticed this and took off his hoodie. He slipped it on Gwen and stuffed his hands into his pants pockets. Gwen adjusted herself in the hoodie, quickly regaining her warmth. "Aren't you cold?" She asked. "I'm used to being cold. It's one of the weird traits about me." Toby said. Gwen nodded once. She flipped on the hood. "Thank you for the hoodie." She said. Toby nodded. As they walked home, Gwen began to get more tired. When they finally got there, Gwen went upstairs and lay down in Toby's bed. He came upstairs to get his hoodie, but Gwen was already asleep. He sighed and pulled the blankets over her. Toby turned around to leave, but Gwen grabbed his wrist. "Don't leave..." She groaned. Toby sighed and walked over to his side of the bed. He took off his shoes, socks, and pants, and lay down in bed. Gwen scooted closer to him and wrapped an arm around him, making Toby blush. "Goodnight." Toby said. Gwen scooted closer so her back was touching his side. Toby got the idea and sighed quietly. He turned on his side and wrapped his arms around her waist. The way Gwen adjusted herself made him blush like mad. "Goodnight." Gwen said.

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