chapter fifteen

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     Gwen (descripton above) sighed as she waited for the bus. The others were either acting cool or panicking inside while the 'normal' kids talked. She scooted over to Shailyn. "Uh... so... first day, huh?" She asked awkwardly. Shailyn grunted. "I don't care." She said. Gwen chuckled and scooted over to Toby. "How are you not a chick magnet without your mask?" She asked. Toby glanced at her and chuckled. "I have no idea, love." He said. Gwen leaned on his shoulder. Toby was about to say something when a kid walked over to them. "Hey, is that your girlfriend?"He asked. "I don't do the girlfriend thing." Toby replied. Gwen blushed as the kid squeezed her butt. Toby turned around and punched the kid in his jaw, making him groan. "Whoa, whoa! It's fine, Toby. It was probably just a misunderstanding." Gwen said. Toby harshly grabbed her chin. "You listen to me. You are mine, no one else's. Do I make myself clear?" He asked. "Yes, sir." Gwen said. Toby let go and smiled. "No hard feelings, right?" He asked. Gwen smirked. "Not me, but as for you..." She said as her eyes trailed to his crotch. Toby looked down and laughed. "Nope. I don't see anything. From my pants, of course." He said. Gwen blushed and laughed nervously. Gwen took out her phone that Slender gave to the Pastas 'in case of emergency'. She snapped a selfie with Toby who was just standing there. "I don't take selfies." He said. Gwen chuckled. "Tell me everything that you don't do." She said. Toby tapped his chin as the bus came to their stop. They got on the bus, the disguised Pastas sitting in back. Gwen and Toby sat two seats in front of them. "Well, I don't eat foods that are too fattening, I can't feel pain, I don't really tic unless I'm nervous, I don't make love, I don't allow anyone to become the dominant, really, the list goes on and on." Toby said. Gwen laughed. "You don't make love?" She asked. Toby shook his head. "That's only if I really... really love you." He said. Gwen thought about that time she sucked him off. "What do you mean I'm different?" She asked. Toby blushed a little. "I dunno. You're just... different. It feels like I've met you before... but I can't remember." He said. Gwen smiled. Toby put her book bag on her side, covering her crotch. He shot his hand into her shorts and rubbed her cl*t through her panties. Gwen gasped, but very quietly moaned. Toby moved her leg up with his other hand. He went inside of her panties and inserted two fingers inside of her. The bus ran over a pothole or a bump and made Toby's finger curl, making Gwen moan just loud enough for the people in front and back of her to hear. No one acknowledged it.
Toby took his fingers out and licked them. Gwen blushed as he smirked at her. "You taste good." He whispered. Gwen was red. Almost as red as Shailyn's red crop top. "How is it so hot here and so cold in the forest?" She asked. "It's always colder in the forest. To y'know... set the mood." Toby said. Gwen scooted closer to him and put her head on his arm. "What does your case look like?" She asked. Toby took out his phone, showing her a brown case with a gold rim (I'm not sure if that exists). He put it back in his pocket and sighed. "What?" Gwen asked. "It's just... hot." Toby lied. Gwen blinked as she sat up straight. "I'm sorry." She said. Toby patted her on the head. "Psst." Someone said from behind them. Gwen turned around to see Jeff (in a different body. The Pastas could see the other Pastas, but humans saw a different person). "What?" She asked. "This is a very weird question, but what would you do if I asked you out?" Jeff asked. Gwen chuckled. "I would say no. Sorry, sweetie." She said. Jeff laughed. "I thought so." He said. Gwen turned around to see Toby leaning on the window. "What's wrong?" She asked. No answer. Gwen scooted closer to him and wrapped an arm around his. "I'm kinda freaked out, too. All this... exposure. I mean, yeah, we have disguises, but what if we look exactly like someone else? Aren't you afraid of getting caught?" She asked. No answer. Gwen looked at him and saw he was asleep. When she shook him a bit, he grunted. Gwen sighed. He looked so... vulnerable. And cute, of course. Gwen ran her fingers through his soft hair. She did it over and over again, getting the feel of silk moving through her fingers. Toby smiled a bit. He lay his head down on her lap, making Gwen gasp a bit. She chuckled as she continued petting him. "Uh..." Someone said. Gwen looked up and saw two people in the same seat looking at her. Gwen shrugged. "If you felt his soft hair, you would do this for hours." She said. The people blinked and looked away. Gwen moved her knee, making Toby stir a bit. She pinched his side harshly, but nothing happened. Gwen groaned. She had a bright idea and grabbed his crotch. Toby's eyes snapped open and he gasped as he sat up. "Wakey, wakey." Gwen said playfully. Toby growled at her, making Gwen shrink a bit. "Don't ever do that... okay?" Toby said. Gwen nodded shyly. Toby ran his hand through her hair. Gwen smiled a bit. She then frowned. "I need to talk to you." She said. Toby moved his hand and stared at her. "Did someone... fix me?" She asked. Toby's eyes widened a bit. Looks like they were on the same page. "Who did surgery on me?" Gwen asked. "EJ." Toby replied. "EJ!" Gwen shouted. EJ poked his head out from the seat in front of them. "Yes?" He answered. "You did surgery on me without my notice?!" Gwen shouted kind of quietly. EJ blinked. "Yes." He said. It annoyed Gwen of how calm he was being.
     "EJ?! Why would you do that?!" Gwen asked. "To keep you from getting killed by the Rake. He can smell blood. Very easily. Even if it's dried. That's how you got caught last time." EJ said. Gwen sighed. "You're welcome." EJ said before turning back around. "Dickbag..." Gwen mumbled. They got to the school and walked in. The Pastas sat at a table with each other. Instead of eating breakfast, they chatted with each other. A group of kids came over there. "Um... this is our table." A boy said. Gwen smiled at him. "What's your name?" She asked. "It's Chad, baby." The boy said. Gwen rolled her eyes. "Don't call me that." She said. She stood up and started expecting the table. Everyone raised their eyebrows and the cafe went quiet. "I'm sorry. Your name's not on the table. Just get another one and sign it. Trust me, you won't die." Gwen said. Chad snickered. "Just because you're hot as hell doesn't mean you get to stay here." He said. Gwen glared at him. "Don't talk to me like that." She growled. Toby glared at her, making her quiet down. "I hope you're ready for a dick down your throat, slut." Chad said. Toby stood up and got in his face. "The only one who gets to call her a slut is me. Shut your fucking mouth before I stuff my fist down your throat." Toby threatened. Chad chuckled nervously. "What? You gonna hit me?" He asked. Toby shrugged. "Only if I have to." He said. "Hey, boys! Sit down, no fighting!" A woman shouted at them, gently pushing them out of the way. Toby smirked at Chad. "Okay." He said. EJ poked at his breakfast burrito. "What's wrong?" LJ asked. EJ glared at him. LJ laughed nervously. "Oh, yeah." He said. EJ took off his mask, catching Gwen's attention. EJ nervously took the smallest bite of the burrito. He quickly spit it out. Gwen held her head and groaned. "What is it?" Toby asked. Gwen gritted her teeth as sweat gathered on her forehead. "I don't... feel so... good..." She said. She gasped as she fell to the floor. Everything went black.
     Toby shook her shoulders. "H-hey! Wake up." He said. The woman walked over to Gwen and touched her forehead. "She's really hot. She passed our from... something." She said. Toby looked at her ID badge. "Do you think you can find out, Mrs. Geraldine?" He asked. Mrs. Geraldine tapped chin in thought. "I'll take her to the nurse." She said. Toby threw Gwen over his shoulder. They went to the nurse's office. Toby gently lay Gwen on the couch thingy (I dunno). The nurse came out of the checkup room and walked over to Gwen. "What's the problem, sir?" She asked. Toby didn't respond. "Hello?" The nurse asked. "Oh. She passed out." Toby said. The nurse bent down to check her temperature, which was very unnecessary. Her lace underwear was showing. Toby looked away. The nurse stood up straight. "Well, it looks like she'll be out for at least a couple of hours." She said. Toby nodded. The nurse bit her lip. Toby's eyes widened. "I wouldn't mind if we fucked around for a bit." She said. "No." Toby said sternly. The nurse came closer. "Awww, c'mon, pretty boy. I wanna see how big you are..." She said seductively as she tugged on the loop of Toby's pants. He smacked her hand away. "I said no." He said again, more harshly than the last time. The nurse pouted her lip. "I'll suck it if you don't wanna fuck me." She said as she unbuckled her pants. Toby couldn't hit a woman, wouldn't do it. "Stop before I have to put my hands on you." Toby growled. "I would love for you to do that." The nurse said, Toby pants at his ankles. "Aww, not even a bulge. That's disappointing." She said. Toby gently pushed her and attempted to pull up his pants. The nurse forced them down with her feet and started to pull down his boxers. "Stop!" Toby yelled. Suddenly, the nurse froze. Her eyes widened. "Don't you touch him. I'm his slut." Gwen said. Toby pulled his pants up and glared at the nurse. "I'm sorry, sir." Gwen said. Toby nodded once. Gwen looked at the nurse. "Thanks for the aid, but I have to leave before I slice your throat open." She said. Toby and Gwen walked out of the nurse's office. They went to the office to get everyone's schedule. They went back to the cafeteria and handed everyone their schedules. "Oh... we have all the same classes." EJ said. BEN groaned. Shailyn sighed. "Well, let's get going before we're late." Gwen said.

Lost and Found ~Completed~Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora