chapter sixteen

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Author's Note

     That's my beautiful outfit. I'm so vain.

     Gwen tapped her pencil on the desk. They were waiting in a classroom they didn't know was for. "Hey, bitch." A girl said from behind her, tapping Gwen on the shoulder harshly. Gwen didn't answer. The girl shoved her shoulder harshly. Gwen growled. "I'm talking to you, bitch." The girl said. Gwen tapped her pencil faster. The girl pulled her hair, making Gwen inhale a deep breath. She whipped around and stabbed whatever was close to her, which was the millimeters away from the girl's hand. "Don't. Touch. Me." Gwen said. The girl laughed at her. "Bad aim." She taunted. Gwen smirked. "I'm trying not to commit murder... again." She said. The girl's eyes widened. Gwen turned around to come face to face with Toby. She yelped a little from the look on his face. One thing she noticed without a doubt was that he was angry. "What are you doing?" He asked quietly. Gwen's palms got sweaty. "She keeps bothering me. What else am I supposed to do?" She asked. Toby gave her an ice cold stare as a shiver ran down Gwen's spine. "Excuse me?" He asked in a deadly quiet tone. "Well, tell the bitch to stop yourself." Gwen said quietly. Toby whistled that whistle. Gwen's eyes widened. Toby raised his hand. "Can I take her to the bathroom? She tends to lose her way." He said as he looked at the teacher. "Sure. Take a pass." The teacher said. She was at her desk grading papers most likely. Toby harshly grabbed Gwen's wrist and almost dragged her to the desk, snatching up the pass board thingy. He walked out of the hallway, Gwen trying to hesitate. Toby pulled her into the men's bathroom and dragged her into an empty stall. He pulled the toilet top thingy (still dunno) and sat on it. He threw Gwen on his lap, making her gasp. "Do you know what you're being punished for?" Toby asked as he yanked down her shorts, revealing her pink lace panties. Gwen blushed. "For talking shit to you." She explained in the best way she could.  Instead of feeling a hand on her butt, she felt something... plastic. It hurt much worse, making her groan. "This is what bad girls get. Don't make a mistake again or it'll be worse, understand?" Toby said, hitting her with the paddle, most likely, again. Gwen screamed a little, the pain getting worse. "I hope you have a great time sitting in your desk." Toby said seductively, hitting her harder than before. Gwen screamed as tears fell down her face. "Please, stop!" She pleaded. She braced herself for another hit but... nothing. Toby pulled her panties and shorts back up, putting the paddle in his book bag. When did he get his book bag? Gwen stood up and grunted in pain. They walked out of the bathroom and back to the class.
     Gwen gritted her teeth as she sat down, pain shooting through her butt. Toby smirked at her suffering as he sat down, too. They sat through class listening to bullshit they didn't care about. As for every other class. They went to the next class, which was PE. The locker room, though, had the boys and the girls in the same room (I don't give a fuck about logic. It's my story). Gwen and Shailyn snatched their uniforms from the gym teacher, which was a white crop top (the ones for fitness) and black shorts. They were a bit longer than Gwen's shorts. Gwen blushed as she slipped off her own shorts and quickly replaced them with the gym shorts. She took off her shirt and put on the gym crop top. A boy chuckled. "Nice jugs, baby." He said. Gwen turned to look at him. It was Chad. Gwen rolled her eyes and tried walked away from him. Chad grabbed her arm and pulled her back, covering her mouth. He harshly grabbed her left breast (why am I so uncomfortable by my own book?). Gwen harshly stabbed her elbow into his crotch, making him groan in pain and let her go. Gwen ran to find Toby. She spotted him taking his shirt off. He wasn't even blushing. Gwen ran over to him and harshly shook his shoulder. Startled, he snapped his head at her. He relaxed when he saw it was Gwen. "Yes, love?" He asked. "Chad just tried to molest me." Gwen said (nice choice of words). Toby smiled a bit. "And where is he?" He asked. Gwen took Toby over to Chad's locker. Toby casually leaned on the locker and warmly smiled at Chad. Chad looked at him and frowned. "What do you want, dork?" He asked. Toby tilted his head to the side. "So... you were feeling up on Gwen, weren't you?" He asked. Chad smirked. "Yep, sure was." He said. Toby chuckled and stood up straight. "Yeah, I just love the feeling of her soft breast between my fingers and how she tugs at my hair when I suck her cl*t, pleading for more." He said. Gwen blushed. He didn't suck her cl*t... yet. Or caress her boobs (I don't think so). Yet. Toby got in Chad's face. "And how tight she gets when I fuck her relentlessy. And how she screams out my name when she cums (lol) on me. I'll probably fist her tonight, I'm not so sure." Toby said. Gwen was turning red. "It's just too bad you'll never see the look on her face tomorrow... or anything else for that matter." Toby said in very serious tone, sending shivers down Gwen and Chad's spine. Toby nodded respectfully and walked away, gently tugging at Gwen's hair, making her follow him. "We're playing dodge ball today. I love dodge ball." He said. Gwen nodded, agreeing with him.
     The students were split up into not two, but four teams. The Pastas were on one team, and the others were on other teams (who gives a fuck it's a CREEPYPASTA story). The gym coach blew the whistle, starting the game. BEN and Jeff dashed to grab the balls (I died laughing) and run back. They got four balls (of deez nutz). Toby picked up the first ball and threw it at a player, hitting him in the stomach. The student puked all over the floor. The Pastas laughed at him. The coach blew the whistle. "That's not allowed!" He barked. "It's below the shoulders. It's allowed." Toby said. Silence. The coach blew the whistle again. A ball whizzed past Gwen's head, making her hair follow it (I dunno). She picked up a ball and threw it, hitting someone in the arm. The student screamed in pain as a purple mark was left on his arm. How is this fair? Oh, yeah. It's below the shoulders. Two down with... too much to count left. Shailyn picked up the ball. She decided to... cheat a little. She closed her eyes, making a white flame form around the ball. She threw the ball, hitting someone in the chest. He waved his hands around while he screamed, "I'm on fire, I'm on fire!". Luckily, Shailyn could make the people she targets see the fire, and not anyone else. Kind of like their disguises. The Pastas laughed, of course. Hoodie threw a ball, hitting someone in the back. Wow, the Pastas were really wiping out the other teams. Puppeteer (yes, everyone's there... I'm sorry) threw a ball, hitting a dude in the crotch. The Pastas cheered. Someone threw a ball at BP (Bloody Painter... that's my last reminder), Masky jumping in the way and catching it. Masky gave BP the ball and he threw it at a girl, hitting her in the right boob. She groaned as she held it. LJ picked up a ball and threw it... somewhere. It suddenly circled around without anyone noticing and hit someone in the hand. They didn't catch it. "Team 1 is done!" The coach bellowed. One down, two to go. Wait... they didn't have any balls (I'm sure the boys did, though *troll face*). Suddenly, team three sabotaged the Pastas by throwing the balls. One it EJ's hand, but he quickly caught it.
     Gwen, Jeff, and Pinkie quickly grabbed three balls each, giving them to BP, Puppeteer, LJ, EJ, Toby, Masky, and keeping one each for themselves. Team 4 threw the rest of their balls, Hoodie, Rainbow, and Jane grabbing one for themselves. They stood there for a moment. "Ready..." Shailyn shouted. Everyone tightly grasped their balls (kiddy masturbation). "Aim..." Shailyn shouted, everyone finding a target. "Burn, bitches!" Shailyn screamed, meaning to fire. The Pastas threw the balls at their targets, hitting them in all places except above the shoulders. The shin, knee, arm, boob, crotch, leg, the actual shoulder, chest, stomach... everywhere. When they finished... sadly Gwen was left. They kept catching the balls, but only a few, like four or five, were left of the other teams altogether. Gwen took a deep breath as the tension grew, gently pounding against her skull. She exhaled as a ball came hurling towards her. With ease, she grabbed it and threw it back, almost making the student fly back from how hard the impact was. Suddenly, Gwen's vision changed. Everything was black except the people and the balls. They were a bright green. Gwen saw a ball hurling towards her, so she grabbed it and hit the student in the leg. Two down, three to go. Gwen saw not one, but two balls hurling towards her. They literally went in slow motion, no joke. Gwen simultaneously grabbed them and hurled them back. One more to go. The ball was inches away from her face before the slow motion kicked in again. Gwen quickly grabbed it and threw it back, the ball hitting the student in the stomach. The coach blew the whistle. "Team 2 wins!" He shouted. The Pastas cheered and ran up to her, the new vision fading away. Gwen smiled as the Pastas cheered for her.


     "My lord... we have found something quite... surprising with the new addition to Slender's party..." Totem said (one of my Zalgo OCs). Zalgo chuckled. "Please continue, Totem." He said. "The new addition, Gwen Christine Nichols, also known as Karma, has developed one of... your traits, my lord." Totem said. Zalgo smiled. "Isn't that queer?" He said. "We believe anyone who develops your traits shall be the heir to the throne, my lord." Totem said. Zalgo grunted. "Well, that is not going to be carried out. What should we do?" He asked. "My lord... maybe... take her out. Or force her to be prisoner of yours." Totem said. Zalgo smiled at this thought. "You are one of my most trustworthy minions." He said. "Your welcome, my lord." Totem said as a small smile grew on her face. Zalgo chuckled. "Please, call me...


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