Funny Story

17 1 0

I just have to tell this. I'm sorry. So, I was at school and we had a sub (teacher, pervs). We turned in out papers that we worked on, but our math teacher couldn't find it. So, she was telling us that we were gonna get a 0 since we 'didn't turn it in'. We kept saying that we did turn it in, but she didn't believe us. So, then she was like "I can't find then anywhere". Then, out of the blue, someone literally screamed 'LOOK FOR IT'. Everyone, everyone laughed. The teacher was even standing in front of a student who was laughing in her face. She looked at me and told me to get out of the class. I asked why and she said she saw me laughing.

Does that make any sense at all?

So, I walked out and sat in the 'bad kid desk'. The girl who yelled in the classroom was already sitting out there. Fifteen minutes later, the teacher came out and asked if I was ready to come back in the classroom. I got mad and asked her why she didn't kick out the other kids. She rolled her eyes and asked me the question again. I lost it. I started yelling at her, almost cussing, she really pissed me off. And then she made me stay our there again. Then she called my mom. I told my mom that the whole class was laughing and she told me to get out. That pic is how I looked at that moment.

All because I didn't turn in my warm up thingy and she had a horrible attitude in the mornings.

My mom asked me to put the teacher on the phone so I did. She had started getting mad at my mom because she told her that what she did was stupid. So, after about ten minutes, my mom told me to say sorry for laughing, so I did.

Not really funny, but if you had a load of related vines going through your head, you would laugh too.

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