chapter thirteen

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     Gwen's eyes widened. "Wait, what?" She asked. "I was one of his submissives." Shailyn repeated. "Why didn't you tell me about him in the first place?" Gwen asked. Shailyn blushed. "I'm sorry..." She said. Gwen sighed. "It's fine." She said. She took a bite of her waffles. "So, uh... you wanna go out... killing tomorrow? Winter is when I use frozen knives instead of fire." Shailyn said happily. Gwen chuckled. "Yeah, sure. But, one question. How long have I been here?" She asled. "Okay, listen to me. You've been here for two months, but you exactly haven't. You have two parts of yourself, and one part was here for two months. That part has a completely different memory of yours, so that means that you shouldn't remember anything when you turn into the other part of yourself." Shailyn explained. Gwen was about to question her, but she saw Toby in the doorway of the kitchen. "Hey... c'mon, I wanna show you something." He said. Gwen blushed as she gave Shailyn a quick hug and followed Toby to his room. They went to his playroom. "Okay, so lie down on that bed." Toby ordered. Gwen obeyed. "Take your panties off, please." Toby said. Gwen blushed as she slipped off her underwear. 'Out of all days, you wear a skirt today.' She thought to herself. "Is there a problem?" Toby asked. "No." Gwen said. Toby glared at her for a moment. He took off his goggles and mouth guard. Gwen didn't get to see his face because he darted to a camera. "I'm not very comfortable with sex tapes." Gwen said. "I'm not showing this to anyone. I just videotape everything. I'm kinda like Hoodie, basically." Toby said. Gwen blushed as Toby took off his shirt and walked over to her. "Are you even sure it's on?" She asked. Toby nodded once and climbed in the bed. He got on top of Gwen. "I..." Gwen said as she blushed deeply. "You what? You don't want to do this?" Toby asked. "N-n-no! I do wanna do this it's just that I just met you... well, technically I didn't because I've been here for two months... but I in particular haven't been here... but my body has just not my mind... well my mind is always... nevermind." Gwen said. Toby stared into her uncovered eye as she spoke. "You're so adorable." He mumbled. He slowly pulled down her bandana and tossed it somewhere. He gently placed his lips on hers, making Gwen close her eyes and kiss back. Toby forced her mouth open and shot his tongue into her mouth, exploring and claiming every inch of it. "Your lips are soft." Gwen said, her words muffled a bit. Toby froze. He then chuckled and continued. 'What was that all about?' Gwen thought. Toby began to kiss her roughly, trailing his gloved hands up and down her body. Gwen bucked her hips when he skimmed over her womanhood. Toby lifted his hand to Gwen's view. "Take it off." He demanded. Gwen grabbed a fingertip and pulled of his glove, revealing his soft-looking hands.
     Toby trailed his hand back down to Gwen's crotch and tapped her cl*t. Gwen gasped. "Don't worry, love. I'll try to be gentle..." Toby said as he jammed his finger into Gwen's entrance. Gwen gritted her teeth. "You're even tight around my finger." Toby said as he began to pump his finger. Gwen quietly moaned. Toby sighed as he pulled his finger out. "Okay, do you want me me or just me?" He asked. Gwen raised an eyebrow. "There's a difference, love. Which one do you want me to be?" Toby asked. "You you, I guess." Gwen said. "Are you sure?" Toby asked. Gwen nodded once. Toby shrugged and grabbed a pair of handcuffs from the nightstand. Gwen swallowed the lump in her throat as Toby secured her to the bed. "If you want to change your mind, I'd suggest you do it now." Toby said. Gwen said nothing. Toby unzipped and unbuttoned his pants. He took them off and tossed them on the floor. He hovered there for a second. "Take them off." He demanded. Gwen shakily reached a hand to the hem of his boxers and hooked a finger onto it. She slowly pulled them down, causing Toby's erection to spring to life. Gwen blushed as she stared at his area. "It gets way better when it's inside." Toby said seductively. Before Toby could make his first move, he suddenly sprang up and put on his clothes. "I'm sorry, can't today." He said. Gwen sat up and watched him as she slipped on her underwear. "What's the problem?" She asked. "You have training today, I almost forgot." Toby said as he roughly grabbed her wrist and dragged her to the training room. "Perfect timing, Toby." Masky said. Toby sighed in relief. "Alright, Gwen will be starting with me, emotion handling training." Masky said. Gwen shuffled over to him and sat down behind a desk, Masky sitting on the other side. "So, Gwen. What type of victims to you target?" Masky said. "Child abusers." Gwen said.

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