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Alison’s P.O.V

Six months. Six freaking months since we were forced to break up and Alison and I left the tour. I haven’t heard from him since and I’ve only seen his pictures on social medias and magazines. He changed his number and even though it’s been a long time; my heart still aches when I see him on TV or something. From the beginning it was hard, I was crying a lot but Al supported me and I even went out with David a couple of times but I couldn’t help to compare him with Niall all the time, so I ended it as I knew it wouldn’t work.

Al and Harry doesn’t have contact either, but they were barely together in more than two days before management cut off their relationship and they were okay with it. I knew that Al was fine; she’s together with a lad called Eric and they’re happy together. According to celebrity shows; Harry has been dating a model for a while and he seems happy. After we've left he had threatened to jump off the band, but thankfully. that didn't happen. 

Now after the relationship, I realize that we had taken it too hastily and we should’ve let it slow down. Joining them on the tour, only a month after we’ve met was a stupid idea and I always keep wondering how it would’ve been if we just slowed down.

The sad part is that I still love him with my entire heart and he seems to have moved on.

You maybe are wondering what happened to my family? Well, my brother contacted me again and we’ve kind of…made peace, but I never went to his wedding. The situation with mum is better; we still have a frosty relationship but we keep in touch.

“Jessie, I’m going out to meet Eric now! See you later!” Al screamed while I sighed. It was evening like this that was the worst part. I was alone in a huge apartment and had nothing to do. I wasn’t even really sure if Niall still lived here; but I guess not as I haven’t seen him for ages. As I was watching TV, I heard a knock on the door. I rose to my feet and walked up to the door slowly. I didn’t really bother looking though the peek-hole so I just opened the door- not caring if it was a serial murderer that was going to kill me.

But when I saw who it was; my jaw dropped and my eyes bulged out of my skull, I probably looked ridiculous, but I honestly don’t care. I stared into the familiar blue orbs that held so much emotion and it took all of my will-power to not jump up at him and hug him hard.

“Hey,” he said and I blinked, he still had the same voice.


“I know that you probably won’t listen to me, but please hear out? Ever since you left I’ve missed you like crazy but management didn’t let me go to you and I know that I’ve probably broken your heart, but can we please just start over and just take it slow this time? I love you so much and I can’t just-“ He was rambling so I broke him off.

“Hi, I’m Jessica Greene, nice to meet you,” I said with a polite smile, trying to hide my feelings and offered him my hand. His eyes lit up and he gave me a grin.

“I’m Niall Horan, it’s a pleasure to meet you and I’m your new neighbour.” He grabbed my hand and shook it lightly. Maybe it would work out right this time.

A/N: DON'T KILL ME. No, but seriously, I know I said that this were going to end, but I couldn't as then....well, it would be a really bad ending, so sequel information is up in the next part and blaaah. 

I wanna thank you all for sticking up with this story and for all of your lovely comments and votes! I never thought that I’d get more than 6000 reads and 300+ votes! You’re all truly amaZAYN, brilLIAM, extraordinHARRY, fabuLOUIS and phenomiNIALL!  (I’m feeling emotional as this is my first story and I’m ending it…)



P.S Vote and comment on my other story; if you check it out, I’ll promise you that you won’t regret it. I’m going to dedicate some chapters to you people that have been my story.  And once again, THANK YOU and I LOVE YOU SO MUCH ! 

Gosh, it's not over, read the A/N for further information before you...you know what I mean, like overexaggerate or something..(SAY SOMETHIN, IF U FEELING THE VIBE- sry had to) 

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