Chapter 27

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A/N: Dedication to Toussaa64 who edited this chapter, so thank you so much! Hopefully, you like this chapter and don't forget to vote, comment and fan me. I've changed the cast and finally found someone that will fit like Jessie, but imagine her with blue-green eyes :) pic on the side! I'm not really sure when I'll update the next time as I have exams (and homework/projects) next week too and really need to study, but hopefully, I'll update this upcoming weekend. Btw, an old character jumps into the story at the end, hope you remember who it is...;)

Jessica’s P.O.V

“I guess that it went well?” Al screamed over the loud sounds and I shrugged. We were currently standing backstage, watching the boys perform their concert and the fans, who as always were screaming their lungs off.

Usually when I saw the boys perform all happy and girls crying of the sight of their idols, it would made me smile, but right now, my mind was wandering away. Although we didn’t really get a punishment that serious, I felt numb.

Even though Niall and I have been together for only a little more than a month, I trusted him and he was the only one that could make me smile when I was in a bad mood. But what am I going to do when I’m not even allowed to be seen near him without someone else? Sure, only when we’re in public, but when we’re on tour, we are nearly always under the public eye so the only time when we could be together, was on the tour bus.

And that wasn’t the only thing… To say that my mum and I had a rusty relationship is an understatement. After the…accident, we barely spoke to each other and since my brother is seven years older than me, he was studying in a college here in the U.S so I haven’t really seen him for a while. My mum had turned emotionless and got caught up in her work, so the only ‘communication’ we had now a days was when she sent me money every month.

“Hellooooo?” Al asked and dragged out the ‘o’. I blinked and turned to her, she had a look of concern in her eyes.

“Sorry, what did you say?” I asked and she wrinkled her eyebrows.

“Are you okay? Ever since you came back with Niall from that meeting, you’ve seemed so… unfocused.” She looked at me, expecting an answer from me but I just shrugged.

“Really, Jessie? You know that you can talk to me, right?” I looked at her hazel brown eyes and saw honesty in them.

I sighed and looked down before speaking, “Well, as you know, my mum and I don’t have a really great relationship and that woman that you had a meeting with; that was her. Anyways, it was really awkward and like that wasn’t enough, Niall and I can’t be seen together alone, so it’s kind of like we’re not allowed to be a couple.” I finally looked up and saw that her face was dripping in shock.

“Wait, so you’re telling me that that bitch was your mum?! Gosh, I feel sorry for you, but you and Niall are going to make it, I mean, you’re so in love with each other that it makes me sick, so yeah…” she trailed off and I smiled at my friend. Even though she sucked at making speeches, her efforts of trying to cheer me up were impressing.

“JESSIE!” someone shouted and I suddenly felt something heavy jump on me causing me to fall to the ground. I groaned and looked up to see who my attacker was.

Of course, “Louis, was that really necessary?” I asked him and tried to push him away, but that man was too heavy and he grinned back at me.

“Awh, is that how you speak to your best friend?” he pouted and I rolled my eyes.

“Actually, I consider Al as my best friend, so you should get off me now,” I replied and he fake gasped.

“How dare you? I thought we had something special?!” he got off me and went to hug Harry, who seemed to have appeared out of nowhere just as Louis had.

Changes in life (Niall Horan)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang