Chapter 30

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Niall’s P.O.V

”Who of you are single? Answer honestly,” Liam’s voice read out and he turned to look at the boys. He gave me a panicked look and I could feel the stares of the girls that were in the arena. They all were waiting for Harry and I to respond and I shot a sideway glance at Harry. He looked at me unsure, not knowing what to say. I looked at the side of the platform we were standing on and saw Paul giving me a stern look. You know what? Fuck the management.

“I think that Harry and I have an announcement to make,” I spoke up in the microphone and the arena was dead silent, you could probably hear a needle drop to the floor. All of the boys were staring at me and Zayn shot me a warning look.

“Harry?” I asked and turned to him, I suddenly felt confident and my pulse was racing.

“Uh, yeah.” He stepped closer to me and I felt the gaze of the other boys at me. I waited for him to maybe say it, but he kept silent so I raised the microphone to my mouth, breathed in and then, “Both of us are currently in a relationship.” As soon as I finished the sentence, murmurs went through the crowd and cameras were flashing at us. I heard screams asking us if it’s Al and Jessie; suddenly I saw Paul coming up on stage.

“Get out of the stage. You know that you weren’t allowed to tell the fans. Simon was watching everything live, conference room, now. You too Harry,” Paul whispered and ushered us off the scene.

“I’m sorry, but this concert has been cancelled,” Paul shouted out in the microphone so that everyone could hear. The protests were loud and I covered my ears; the screams of teenage girls piercing my ears. Liam, Zayn and Louis all went off the scene and they all had sad looks on their faces. Before I could apologize to them; Paul came and grabbed me and Harry, pulling us away.

We walked through the doors and a huge screen showed Simon  and two men in suits sitting by each other from Simon’s office.

“Hi Uncle Si,” I greeted unsurely as we sat down on the chairs; looking up at the screen. Harry gulped loudly and we both grasped each other hands. Maybe this wasn’t such a great idea.

“Niall, you remembered what our deal was, right? You were NOT allowed to speak about your relationship status,” Simon said and I could see that he was angry.  The man to his right spoke up, “This means that both of your female friends are going home again and you’re breaking up. We want no protests.”

As soon as he finished that sentence I felt my head spin. They can’t be serious, can they?

“ARE YOU SERIOUS?” Harry shouted out and I could feel his anger boiling.

“Yes. You need to face the consequences. Bye Niall and Harry, I’ll see you soon,” Simon replied and the big screen went black.

We both sat there deep in our thoughts, just staring at the black screen and wondering if we just saw what we think we saw. Harry suddenly stood up and punched his fist on the wall, his face boiling of anger.

“WHY? WHY NOW? AFTER SO MANY WEEKS AND THEY DO THIS JUST WHEN I GOT HER?” he screamed out to himself, crying his eyes out and even though I wanted to do the same; I felt nothing but numbness.

“They can’t fucking control my life! I’m fucking 19 and can do what I want! I don’t give a fucking shit about the fans as they don’t give a shit about any of us! They keep sending hate to everyone I love and just because of that, I’m not allowed to be in a relationship!” he fell down to the ground, his head between his knees, his hands pulling his own hair and his shoulders shaking of sadness.

I kept staring at him, not feeling anything but sorrow for my friend. It wasn’t his fault. If I hadn’t decided to tell everyone about our relationships; we would’ve still been happy and I could’ve been with Jessica now. But now, I’ve lost her because of my dumbness.

Harry’s P.O.V

I was just sitting on the ground, my tears running down my cheeks, but not because I was sad. I was mad. Mad that everyone could control my life. If I hadn’t auditioned for x factor, I would’ve had a normal life, a girlfriend and I could’ve been able to control my own life. I have had enough, so I pulled out my phone, unlocked it and pressed on the Twitter app.

Unknown person’s P.O.V

I was sitting in my room that was filled with One Direction posters. My heart was racing and I was pressing the keyboards and scrolling though Twitter. Anger pulsed through my body; who the hell is together with Harry? A lot of people were guessing on Alison, the girl that had been travelling with the boys on the tour with her friend Jessica; which was Niall’s girlfriend. Sure, I don’t really care if Niall is in a relationship or not, but Harry I fucking mine. I saw a lot of tweets towards Jessica and Alison, but I didn’t care; it was their own fault. I pressed on Harry’s profile and before I could type a tweet to him, I saw that he just had tweeted something. I suddenly felt excited and read the tweet.

@Harry_Styles: U say that u love us, but u keep sending hate 2 the ppl we love. Thank u for ruining everything.

I furrowed my eyebrows at his tweet and suddenly felt bad, so I started to write a new tweet.

@*******: Sending hate won’t work, we should support the boys instead of making them angry. We’re hurting the ppl they love.

I looked at my mentions. ‘Harry Styles have RT’ed you’.

Jessie’s P.O.V

When Paul came to us and told the rest of the boys to go back to the bus, both Al and I understood that something was wrong.

“I’m really sorry, but you’re not allowed to meet the boys. You need to go back home, your tickets are already bought. You’re leaving in an hour so go and pack your bags. I’m really sorry, but we can’t do anything to keep you here,” Paul said with a sad smile and patted my shoulder. I felt my thoughts swirl around in my head and a sour taste in my mouth. I should’ve known that this wouldn’t have worked.

Three hours later

My tears were running down my cheeks and I was sobbing violently, trying to calm down. While I was dragging my suitcase behind me, Al was walking beside me but with a more calm expression. I walked through the security and I saw the glances I got; but I couldn’t care less. I suddenly heard my name and turned around. What caught my eyes was the bloodshot eyes that were staring at me intensely and but I couldn’t go back; not now. The glass was keeping us apart and he stepped closer to the glass wall, pressing his hand on it. I pressed my hand towards his and I saw his mouth mime three words. I love you. I gave him one last smile as my tears were pouring down and walked away from my love.

A/N: LAST CHAPTER! I’m sorry if I finished this story suddenly, but I didn’t feel like I wanted to write more so I thought; why not finish it? But don’t worry, I’ll post the epilogue now. I’m sorry if I let you down, but I wanted to focus on my other story, so please go and check it out and give me feedback. And if you thinks that this chapter was confusing, I don’t blame you. Xxxxx I love you all my readers! <3

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