Chapter 29

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Harry’s P.O.V

I wrapped my arms around her thin waist and pressed her closer to me. She had her hands tangled in my hair, pulling my curls and a moan escaped from my throat. Her soft lips gave me tangles that went through my body, making me shiver in pleasure. Our lips were moving in sync and I softly nibbled her lower lip. She opened up and our tongues collided, moving together, struggling for dominance. After a couple of seconds, she gave up and my tongue roamed around in her mouth, savoring her sweet taste.

I broke free and we were both gasping for air, her head lying on my chest as I pulled her closer, my head resting on the top of hers, eyes closed.

“What does this make us?” she asked as I kissed her forehead.

“Dating?” I replied, pretty unsure. I finally had the girl I’ve chased in a month in my arms, and hopefully, this relationship will last longer than my previous ones.

“Ouch, Lou!” I heard Jessie’s voice say from outside of the room and I wrinkled my eyebrows.  Al sighed and rolled her eyes, walking out of my embrace and opening the door.

“Well, hello there. Are you having fun?” She asked and I walked up to her, peeking and saw all of the boys and Jessie, lying on the floor in a pile, looking very embarrassed.

“Really? Do you have no respect for privacy?” I groaned and wrapped my arms around Al’s waist.

“No, Haz, we don’t but I see that someone got what they wanted!” Louis exclaimed with a loud voice.

“Louis, don’t scream. It’s after midnight and people are actually sleeping if you didn’t know,” Liam told him with a stern voice while we all rolled our eyes.

“Yeah, yeah, daddy Direction. Well, I’m going to bed, g’night! He replied and skipped in to the room, as we shared.

“Don’t forget that we’re all going up early tomorrow, I’ll meet you all at the tour bus around 5 A.M. Night,” Liam said and yawned, walking away. All of them walked away to their rooms and Al were on her way to her room, but I stopped her.

“No goodnight kiss?” I asked her and gave her a cheeky smile. She looked up at me amused, and I saw humor twinkling in her eyes. She walked up to me, wrapped her arms around me and pulled me down. I was staring at her soft lips and closed my eyes as we came closer. Just as the kiss were meant to happen, I only felt soft skin against my lips, so I opened my eyes and saw that she had turned her cheek against me. She unwrapped her arms and walked away towards her room as I was watching her with a shocked expression plastered on my face.

Before she went through the door, she turned around and winked, “Goodnight, Styles.”

Louis’ P.O.V

“I’m bored!” I groaned and rubbed my eyes. I was currently sitting on the sofa in the tour bus, travelling to Philadelphia. We had been travelling for three hours and I had nothing to do. Absolutely nothing. Jessie and Niall were by the bunker beds doing God knows what, Harry and Al were looking very comfortable with each other and talking about random shit and I was the only one cool. Liam and Zayn were on their phones, texting Danielle respective Perrie.

Eleanor was coming with us for a week in a couple days and as I haven’t seen her for a long while, I couldn’t wait to see her again.


“Louis, please don’t scream, and no, you haven’t. Why didn’t you tell me later?” I shrugged and looked at him. I love my life, don’t take me wrong, but sometimes, just sometimes, it could be very, very, very boring and well… The lads are boring too when we’re travelling. Not that I don’t love them, I do, but… I should really stop rambling, it can’t be good.

What the heck, I’ll just eat something and no, NOT carrots. I rose from the sofa and walked over to the fridge and opened it.

That leprechaun is a pain in the arse.

“NIALL, WHERE’S THE FOOD?” I screamed out and stomped my foot on the floor.

“I DIDN’T DO IT! IT WAS…JESSIE!” he screamed back and I rolled my eyes.

“NO, IT WASN’T, I HAVEN’T EVEN TOUCHED THE FRIDGE, NIALL!” I heard her scream. You know what, I don’t care if they’re having sex, I’ll join them instead, they’re probably more fun than the rest.

“Louis ‘The Tommo’ Tomlinson is in da house!” I exclaimed as I walked into the section where our bed were.

“Hey Lou, what’s up?” Jessie asked me as I jumped up on the bed in front of them.

“The sky,” I replied as Niall started to laugh while Jessie rolled her eyes.

“You’re so funny, Tomlinson,” Jessie said as I stuck out my tongue.

“What are you doing? I’m bored,” I replied with and stretched my arms above my head.

“I noticed, and we don’t really do anything, we’re just talking,” Jessie said and started to comb Niall’s hair with her fingers as his head was lying on her lap.

“I see, so you were not having sex then, I assume?” I ask casually and raise one of my eyebrows.

“NO! Why would you think that?” Niall said and looked horrified as both of them blushed.

“Well, if you have sex once, it can get quite addictive and it’s a good feeling, so…”  I said and yawned.

“And how do you know that?” Jessie huffed and I looked at her and rolled my eyes.

“I don’t know; maybe because I’ve had sex and as soon as Eleanor is here, I’m gonna get some!” I replied with a laugh.

“Are you serious?!” Jessie exclaimed with a scowl on her face as Niall shook his head in disappointment.

“Honey, I haven’t get laid in more than two weeks and as I’m so trustworthy, my girlfriend rewards me with sex,” I reply honestly and smile at them. Niall gapes at me, his eyes nearly bulging out of his head as Jessie stares at me as if I was a freak. C’mon, it’s not like it’s that uncommon…

A/N: I HAVE A WRITER’S BLOCK *UGH* and as you might’ve noticed, this is a filler and it’s really crappy and short, but I have some great news! Recently, I had this great idea of a story so I’ve posted the prologue, PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE, check it out and just read it. Don’t worry, I’ll not post that story until this is finished or if I get a couple of votes and feedback on that story, but please, just read it, it’s barely a wattpad page! (again, sry for the crappy chapter. )

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