Chapter 1

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A/N: Hi! This is my first fanfic and I hope that I can get some reads and maybe a vote or two? ;) Anyways, I've planned to write a fanfic on my own for a while, cause I really enjoy reading other fanfics and I hope that you think that this is good, but I'm not gonna say anything more and I'll let you read the story instead!

2 years earlier

Jessica's P.O.V 

I felt something warm draping my back and a comfortable silence, but something felt wrong. I had a terrible headache and this did NOT feel like my bed. Actually it felt more like a floor. My eyes fluttered open and I groaned. God, I should seriously stop drinking so much; my throat was dry and I needed water.

I looked around and didn't recognize the place at first, it was definitely not my bedroom though. I saw ripped furniture, beer bottles and I felt the smell of puke. Right, Ashton's place. New Year's Eve. My memories came back and I groaned again. Why did I drink so much? I can't believe that I actually made out with Lucas Anderson. He has been after me for ages and he's nothing but a disgusting shithead. I shivered and tried to get up from the floor, but I was way too dizzy and something held on to me. I looked down and saw two arms circled around my waist, but that wasn't the worst thing.

My designer dress had puke on it and when I find out who did this, I will make their life in school a living hell. It wasn't that hard, I'm popular and I've already done it before. I literally forced my parents to buy this dress, and they will get pissed when they see that it's already destroyed. It had coasted loads and I even promised my parents to be home by 3 A.M if they bought it.

I swore and yanked away the strangers' arms, stood up and immediately, I felt my stomach substance coming up my throat. I sprinted down the hall and into the toilet, where someone else had dozed off but I didn't care and just pushed her away. I opened the toilet lid and felt the liquid coming up my throat.

When I was done, I washed my mouth by the sink and went out to the living room again. I saw my high heels and took them. Where the hell was my purse? I looked around and saw the red purse at the corner so I picked it up and checked it. Everything was still there. I took out my phone from the purse and unlocked it and saw a couple of messages and 63 missed calls from mum. Oops.

I walked out of the house but not before I drank a couple of glasses of water and I found some Advil too, so I took some. My house was just up by the road (same street) so I started to walk at that direction.

When I finally was home, everything was quiet. Usually, I would be relieved, but this time, something felt wrong. It was way too quiet. I opened the door and walked through the hall and pass the kitchen. When I was on my way up the stairs, I heard someone sobbing. Even though I'd rather collapse on my bed and take a nap; my curiosity won and I walked to the living room.

There, I saw my mum. Well, I didn't recognize her at first, because I've never seen her like that. Her make-up looked awful, she had dark bags under her eyes and she looked devastated.

"What happened?" but I already had a feeling when I saw her like that. The answer though, was not as I expected.

"Your father was driving to that party because you never answered our calls and we were worried. He crashed with another car and the other driver was drunk. Your father died directly." She said with an empty voice.

She looked up at me with her bloodshot eyes, hatred in her eyes and it wasn't until then I realized what she said. He was gone. My dad was gone and he was never coming back again. And the last thing I said to him was a quick good bye. Just because of that stupid party. It was that moment that I promised myself to never drink again and to actually make something of my life; I don't want to be another spoiled brat. Before you even realize, everything disappears and I am going to make sure to never lose anything ever again. Whatever it is.  

Changes in life (Niall Horan)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora