Chapter 6

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A/N: So I got like 14 reads on the previous chapter, so yeah... And to be honest, I don't care if no one reads this, I'll update anyways, don't forget  to fan/vote/comment...

Jessica’s P.O.V

I tried to calm down but it was impossible when it felt like there were dinosaurs running around in my stomach.

Niall was waiting for me while I was changing my clothes and I was already nervous. When he looked at me, it felt like his eyes were looking into my soul and I was unable to hold his gaze. When I was done, I checked my face in the mirror and saw that my make-up looked okay and I grabbed my things and went out.

He was sitting in a chair and waiting for me and when he realized I was there, he raised his head, gave me a smile that I’ve grew found of and stood up.

“Shall we go?” he asked me and I nodded. I could feel his stare when we walked out of the coffee shop and I locked the door. “Where are we going?” I asked him curiously and met his eyes. “I don’t know, it doesn’t matter to me. I just wanted to have company and talk to someone,” he said and shrugged. “Oh…” I knew it was too good to be true and he didn’t come to me because of me. We started to walk down to the park and I could feel his eyes on me.

“Are you from London?” I looked at him surprisingly. “No… I moved here about a year ago to study at the university,” I answered him slowly.

He continued to ask me questions and I got to know more about him, and to be honest, I forgot about the time because I had such a good time. Well, at least from the beginning, it was a little awkward but it got more comfortable when he cracked a joke and I saw his funny part.

My mind barely realized that we were holding hands when I realized that it had become dark and I looked at my phone to see the time. 10:47 P.M. “Shit…” I groaned and met his eyes. “What?” he asked me with his head on the side. He was so cute… I blinked and focused on his eyes again. “I have class tomorrow and I need to go home,” I said with a sad smile. “Well, not a problem. I’ll follow you home, so that you don’t get lost or something,” he then answered me and offered me his arm.

“What?” I asked confused. “Well, this is a big city, and I don’t want ya to get murdered or raped, so I’m gonna be your gentleman for the night and help ya home,” he said with a cheeky smile and winked. I laughed at him and looped my arm around his and immediately, I shivered when I felt sparks going through my body when I felt his arm against mine. “Give me your phone,” he asked me when we were walking to my apartment. I looked at him confusedly but gave him my phone. He did something and then gave it back with a smile on his lips. “What did you do?” “You’ll see,” he winked and I blushed again, for the 100th time this evening.

“Wait, you live here?” he asked me surprised when we stopped outside of the building.

“Yeah…why?” He started to laugh and I looked at him confused. “What?” I asked him and looked at the apartment building. It was quite fancy with a reception, but I couldn’t see the fun part of it. “I live on the 6th floor,” he said after a while. I realized what he said and if Al knew that one of the band members in One Direction was living upstairs, she would freak out.

“Wait… where you the one that made so much loud noises upstairs?” I asked him and wrinkled my nose. “Well, that was actually my band mates,” he said and shook his head. I raised my eyebrow. After spending time with him tonight, I actually didn’t believe that he was quite, so I doubted that he was the one that wasn’t loud, + Al had forced me to see interviews and the video diaries, so I knew that he wasn’t that calm. “Well, should we go in then?” he asked me and I nodded.

Changes in life (Niall Horan)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora