As soon as I reach him he pulls me in for a quick kiss, and I don't protest, moving my lips slowly against his. We pull away quick enough, and he continues smiling.

"So where are we going?" I ask. He chuckles shaking his head.

"You'll find out when we get there." I states, causing me groan.

"But Vicccccyyyy" I whine, stick out my bottom lip slightly.

"But nothing, Kells. Now get in" he laughs, opening the car door for me. I smile a little, pecking his cheek before going to get in. It surprised me when I felt him lightly slap my ass. I gasp, looking to him. It was silent for a moment before I blurted out - "Kinky." We both burst out laughing. We stayed like this for a few moment before I got in. He shut the door after me, going over to the drivers side and getting in himself. He was still chuckling slightly as he started up the car, driving away and to the destination of what I hope is going to be a wonderful date.

"So... Where are we going again?" I ask, getting a glare from Vic as I move around in my seat, too excited to keep still.

"I'm not telling you, now shush or I'll get the duck tape out." He threatens, holding up a roll of duck tape for proof, making me sink into my seat and keep quiet.

Like I'm attracted to Vic but I'm not ready to have myself tied up by tape and my mouth taped shut... Yet.

I look over at Vic and just stare at his face, his wonderful fucking face.

"What are you looking at?" He questions when we stop at a red light.

"You, you have a nice face." I tell him, still kinda zoned out, staring at his face.

"Uh, thanks?" He chuckles, driving again, while I continue to stare at his very nice, Mexican face.

"I'd tap that... Twice." I murmur to myself, biting on my bottom lip earning a weird look from Vic as he looks at me in the corner of his eye.

"What did you say?" He chuckles, clearly amused by this.

"Oh, nothing." I say, flashing him a cheeky smile before looking back at the road.

We soon came to a stop and I look at our surroundings.

"Oh wow, Vic. very classy" I joke, examining the parking lot we were in. He rolled his eyes playfully, going to get out the car.

"Shut up and come on." He chuckles, getting out. I follow behind him. I walk over to him and he leads me towards wherever we are going, taking my hand as he does so. I smile, allowing his fingers to entwine with mine. I see a small smile form on his lips also.

As we leave the parking lot I realise that we are at the other side of the city, meaning not as many people from school would be around here. Good thinking, Vic. There's nothing wrong with people knowing that we are in some kind of relationship, but we would both rather keep it on the low for now. Vic would be worried that if people knew I was with him, that I would get shit for it. Most of my friends already knew I swung the other way, but that wasn't as many as you'd think. I understand his concern though. I'd probably be the same in that situation.

We soon stop, and turn, starting to enter a building. I quickly look up to see the sign read, "Lestat's Coffee House." I smile. He knew how much I actually liked coffee. Was it weird that that that was the only thing going though my head at this moment on time? Coffee?

"Awh Viccy, it's so cute." I coo, pulling him into the coffee shop, a grin spreading across my lips when I hear music and smell coffee.

The song If It Means A Lot To You by A Day To Remember begins to play just as I open the door and I have to refrain from squealing out loud.

"This is our song." I whisper in Vic's ear, earning a nod in response as we both walk up to the counter.

I look over the menu and have to refrain from drooling over the counter.

Not wanting Vic to spend so much on me, I just ask for a regular coffee, Vic following my lead.

We sit down in a booth and start talking about anything and everything.


We've been at the coffee house for about an hour now and all we've done is talk, laugh and drink coffee.

"Hey Kell?" Vic asks, gaining my attention quickly.


"Will you be my boyfriend?"

I think my heart just stopped.


I think I'm gonna Puke :) - Rach

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