Chapter 16

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Hours later I was still sat here. Vic hadn't replied, and it was starting to bug me. He had seen my messages on Kik, but that's all. I honestly felt like I ruined our friendship, bit then I realised that all I did was try to help. Vic was the one who was being complicated. I just hope that he replies soon, and that we could go back to being best friends.

Huh, best friends. I've always thought of Matty as my best friend. Has Vic replaced him? I don't think so. I think we're more the best friends... But what would you call that?

I've been spending more time with him than Matty, and in all honesty I think Matty's being a bit jealous. Every chance he gets he's with me, but with Vic I don't even need to make an effort. We Always want to see each other, whereas with Matty, he can get annoying sometimes.

I was slapped out of my thoughts when I heard the door slam shut. I jumped slightly. For all I know what could be anyone, maybe even Vic, but it was most likely to be my mom.

I sigh loudly and bury myself into my sheets more, wanting to disappear, now I'm scared of my mom being here.

"Kellin-Quinn Bostwick, get your fucking ass down here." She shouts up the stairs and I chuck my blankets off me, leaving my room, walking down the stairs at a slow pace.

I walk into the living room, the strong smell of Jack and cigarettes making me gag, "What the fuck are you doing home?" She seethes, standing in front of me with her arms crossed over her chest.

"I didn't feel too good." I mutter, looking at the floor, fiddling with the hem of my shirt.

"Why didn't you go to the nurse?" I can feel her glare on me, but I don't dare look at her.

"They wouldn't have done anything mom." I sigh, not interested anymore.

I let out a yelp when she grabs my hair and pulls me up so I'm face to face with her, the smell of cigarettes strong on her breath.

"What did I tell you about attitude Kellin?" She shouts, pulling at my hair tighter.

"I'm sorry Mom." I whimper, trying to get out of her grip, she lets go of my hair and puts her fingers under my chin, lifting my head to look at her.

I look directly into her eyes and search for something, regret, guilt? But nothing. She smiles, confusing me, before drawing her hand back and slapping me across the face, the impact moving my head to the side.

I stumble slightly, my cheek stinging furiously. I close my eyes tightly to hold back the tears threatening to escape. I wasn't going to let her see me cry. She'd just call me a pussy.

I stay in that position for a few seconds, holding onto my throbbing cheek, before being pushed over into the wall. I give out a groan in pain as I start sliding down it and onto the floor.

She moves towards me, towering over my body. She was honestly scaring me to death. What's going on? I thought she was happy again; I thought she was over all this. I guess not.

"Look at me" she demands, her voice harsh. I quickly look up to her, one hand holding my cheek and the other holding my side. She looked down on me, her eyes filled with darkness. "You deserve everything you get. Do you understand? Everything is your fault, and you need to realise this!" She yells. I whince at her voice, nodding slightly.

She was right. Everything was my fault. It was my fault dad left; it was my fault that she hated me; it was also my fault that Vic hated me. He obviously hated me. He won't talk to me. I ruin everything!

"Get out of my sight." She spits, pulling me up by my arm, pushing me towards the stairs.

I stumble up the stairs, groaning at the pain in my side, wincing when I sit down on the bed, taking deep breaths.

I pull my top up slowly and look down at my side, a bruise forming and hurting like fuck.

I need to play a game against Dickturd, right now.

I grab my xbox controller and my headset, putting the headset on quickly, positioning the mic and turning my xbox on, signing in and my leg bouncing slightly as I wait.

My xbox signs in and I click the middle button, clicking on friends, scrolling through my friends until I come across Dickturd.

xXx_GETREKT_xXx - Online.

I invite him to a party and try to get comfortable on my bed, whimpering when I stretch slightly.

"Hey" I hear a small voice mumble from my headset. What the fuck is wrong with him? What's wrong with everyone today? Jeez.

"Hi" I return. I hear him sigh slightly, before speaking again.

"So you wanted to play?" He asks in a dull tone. I nod slowly, even though he couldn't see a thing what I was doing. Then again, this was Dickturd. He probably found my address, came into my room while I was sleeping and hid cameras all around... Or was I just being paranoid.

"Uh, duh." I speak harsher than intended, although I couldn't give an actual fuck right now.

Every time I encounter my mom I go through 4 stages The first is sadness. I just cry a lot, when I'm in the comfort of my own room if possible. I just let everything go until nothing more comes out.

The next stage is self hate. I start to blame myself for everything, hating everything who I am and what I have become. Normally I get past the phase quick enough and go onto stage 3; Realisation. I realise that I've done nothing wrong in this. I just get the blame for everyone else's doing.

Then comes anger, and lots of it. I want to destroy everything and anything I can. Sometimes I destroy some of my room to let out my built up rage, but most the time it comes down to my Xbox.

Dickturd sets up a free for all private match and the game starts, I get a kill quickly, Dickturd not playing to his usual standard.

At one point, he just stands at his spawn point not bothering to even play, allowing me to get 7 kills before he starts to run around again.

He gets 3 kills on me before not playing again, we aren't even talking, I know he's still there, I can hear his heavy breathing through the mic.

I get another 8 kills in before the match ends, I get the last killcam and I wait anxiously for the results.

I finally won, oh my god, finally!

"I fucking won, oh my god! You fucking suck!" I exclaim, hurting my face smiling.

"Yeah whatever." He mutters before leaving the game and party and going offline all at once, weird.

I turn my xbox off as well and sprawl out on my bed, regretting the decision once I roll on my side, almost shouting in pain.

I curl up into a ball for what seems like hours, but in reality it was only a few minutes. Soon I decide to get up, slowly to make sure I don't chase myself any damage. Soon I was onto my feet. I decided to take a shower. Maybe it'll soothe my pain.

I walk towards my bathroom and jeez, its even hard to walk without having some kind of pain. Soon I make it to the bathroom, going in and locking the door before stripping myself and getting in.

I was right, it did kinda help.

I stayed in there for a good half hour before getting out, wrapping a towel carefully around my waist. I got back into my room and decide to check my phone before anything else.

I press the unlock button

1 new message:
Viccy Poo

I was quick to open it, soin reading the small text.

"I'm sorry."


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