Chapter 14

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Vic's POV

My bedroom is great. Like honestly, its probably my favorite place in the entire world. Why? I think of it as my little personal space. Here I couldn't be disturbed, which I was grateful for. Both my parents respect me wanting my little bubble, and sometimes my brother does too. Although, Mike can invade people's space a lot. Then again, he's still young. Younger than me at least.

My parents also let me decorate my room with whatever. I was happy about that. I, being so music obsessed, covered it in shelves to hold my large collection of CD's, many posters and some brackets and such to hold my three guitars; one acoustic, two electric. My Gibson acoustic is my pride and joy. My parents got me it two years ago. How they got the money to afford it, I don't even know. They just knew about my passion for music. It was probably the only thing that made me happy. It distracted me from so many things, one being school.

Or as I like to call it, Hell on earth.

I hated it. I hated it with a burning passion. I hated it, I hated the teachers, I hated the lessons, I hated the meals, and most of all I hated my bullies. My bullies. Why are they my bullies? Because they don't bother to taunt anyone else but myself.

I don't even know what started the bullying? Hell, I don't even remember the first bully.

I've been told I'm a 'easy target' for bullies, you see I'm not a fan of confrontation, I can't stand up for myself. I take it because I hope and pray that they'll get bored of me and move on.

Or maybe it's because they're jealous of me? I'm super smart and attractive. These stupid jocks with their low grades and greasy hair always pushing me around and shouting at me in the halls, calling me stupid and dumb, when they're just explaining themselves in a nutshell, would I tell them that? No way.

I remember when I first started this school, I was able to hold my head up high and speak to nearly everyone, then the cliques formed, the start of school was when everyone knew everyone and there was no requirements to be friends, those days are long gone.

I remember when it got worse, I came out. I stood in the middle of the cafeteria and told the first person to approach me that I am gay. News spread like wildfire. I don't understand how I'm bullied for that though, I mean Kellin's gay and even if it's technically a secret, his friends are bound to know and he hasn't been shunned or whatever.

And we can't forgot the immigrant jokes, because they know I am Mexican, they used that to their advantage, asking me how I jumped the border? How big my family is? Did I get into America safe? All these stupid questions that made these people laugh, everyone around me though they were hilarious.

My brother, he's never been bullied here. He doesn't know about my bully problems, he's totally oblivious to it.

It's probably because he's younger. He doesn't see what happens because he hangs out with people his age, rather than mine. Maybe it's because Mike keeps himself to himself. He only talks to this friends and friends of friends, not making himself stand out. Everything stands out about me. I'm pretty short for my age (although kellin is shorter) and I have long hair, which guys usually don't have - then again, Kellin's is kinda long as well. It's cute how it gets in his eyes and how he always gets frustrated when when he pushes it away but it just keeps falling back down.

He's only seen a small portion of what happens to me. He's only seen the physical abuse I get off them. He hasn't seen anything else. He hasn't heard the mass of names they call me. Maybe a few here and there, but not them all.

You may think I'm being pathetic, but the physical side doesn't hurt me as much as mental and emotional. It kills me.

Most people would overlook it, but me? I can't. I can't let the words fly over my head and not affect me. They've told me these things over and over, and now I just put up with it, as I don't always disagree with what they say. I am "worthless" to so many people.

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