chapter twenty eight

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drummer: check. netflix employee: check. pimp flava: check. i am a man of all trades.


username: but calum is pimp flava

username: you work at netflix too??! bae

username: that jacket tho

username: wtf is that jacket i wanna focus on you being cute but i can't

yoellieg: w o w, you trying out as a scary spice lookalike? its looking good for you ash

ashtonirwin: @yoellieg you know it, one step closer to posh spice now

yoellieg: lol at the fact you know what their different names are

ashtonirwin: @yoellieg of course i do... who doesn't?

yoellieg: uh mE? i only know scary spice

username: if you go on twitter you'll see #AshtonIsSpiceGirlsAF trending thanks to you btw @yoellieg

yoellieg: @username and this is why i love the 5sosfam

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