It's Just Not Fair

Start from the beginning

My plea was left unanswered.

The soothing touch of her fingers disappeared. "I can't. You listen, you don't get hurt." Something akin to disappointment and irritation filtered through her voice. "It's simple. You bend to his will, and never try to go against someone who is stronger than you. If you can't win, you submit."

I locked onto her brown eyes caged behind a pair of black glasses. She wanted me to understand and see her way. A part of me didn't, but a bigger wanted to just submit. As long as the pain would go away, I would give in.

I whimpered quietly, wishing that I was at Simon's house, pain and sadness free. But nonetheless, I nodded slightly as darkness consumed me. "Okay." I whispered softly all before the pain and her voice became nothing at all.

My eyes slowly fluttered open to see the dismay paling Ike's expression. "Oh Selene." Ike sighed relieved before I was engulfed in his touch. "You scared me so much Av." Pressed up against mine, his entire body was tense.

"What happened?" I whispered weakly knowing I had just had another nightmare. Mentally and physically, I was exhausted and my limbs were shaky as he held me in his arms.

His breath fanned across my hair before his tight grip on me loosened. "You were screaming then crying then whimpering and then...nothing." Ike pulled back to eye me slowly. "These dreams seem to be getting worst and worst. We need to tell someone."

The exhaustion vanished all at once to be replaced with panic. "No!" I abruptly blurted, eyes widening in fear and hands gripping his forearms.

The suppressed anger and clear apprehension on Ike's face was evident. "No? What the hell do you mean no. Avril, there's obviously something you're not telling me, and if you're not going to trust me then fine." He snapped, but the hurt was evident in his simmering violet eyes and his tone. "But you're going to see someone because I'm tired of seeing you suffer. I want to help you, but how can I help if you won't even talk to me!" He yelled quietly trying to not wake up the entire villa but angry Ike was always explosive.

I bit my lip feeling guilty that my own turmoil was also affecting and hurting Ike too. The tension and stress was clear in the strain of his eyes and the clenching of his jaw. "Ike, I'm fine." I mumbled quietly, eyes breaking away from his intense gaze. Didn't he realize that I just wanted to forget about that chapter in my past. I wanted to ignore it. I'm pretty sure the dreams would stop, but the longing effects of revealing my tainted past would stay with me.

"Don't lie to me." He hissed out.

I flinched at the acid in his tone, but knew I deserved it. Eyes flicking back up to his, I exhaled. "Listen, I'll tell you soon. I'm just not ready."

He groaned annoyed, running a hand over his face. The glow of the blue moon cast a shimmery deep blue over Ike's features making him look even angrier than he sounded. "When will you be ready? I'm not trying to force anything out of you, but there has to be a way I can help. However, the only way I can help is if I know what is troubling you."

"Stress." I blurted out.

His mouth, which had been open trying to speak, shut. His eyebrows furrowed, skepticism clear on his face. "Stress?" The skepticism was gone, but now he just looked at me troubled.

Nodding quickly, I ran a hand through my hair. "Yes, stress. Terra, Teelah, my friends...everything." Stress was a problem; it just wasn't what was causing my nightmare problem. My tongue itched to reveal the whole actual truth, but a part of me bit my tongue.

What would Ike think of me if he realized that I submitted, bent to people's will. It was the very thing that he seemed to admire about me.

Ike sighed softly before he slowly pulled me towards him so I was straddling his lap. "Av, what did I tell you before? You'll never be alone. I'll be right by you side." Tenderly he ran his finger along my spine, and like he had the magic touch my eyes begin to droop.

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