Shipwrecked Chapter 21

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Shipwrecked Chapter 21: Four Pieces Of Two Puzzles



That next morning, the cold, hard floor felt like my heart. Solid, dark. Dead.

My eyelids felt heavy, as though I hadn’t slept enough. If it was up to me, I’d sleep forever… well, at least until someone found me and took me away from the two monsters who I was sharing this awful island with.

Opening my eyes slowly, I saw where I was. There were a few trees surrounding me, (it was the forest, after all) and I heard a quiet gurgling sound coming from my right; probably the stream, I thought to myself.

It was quite light - obviously around the middle of the day - and the sun was blazing down on me, evaporating all my tears from the previous night.

It was only then that I realised how vulnerable I was right at that point.

A teenage girl, unarmed, curled up in a ball in a forest. Oh yeah, that isn't the most cliché horror movie scene you’ve ever heard of. Just turn the sky black and insert a few vampire bats and you’ve got yourself a block buster movie, I thought bitterly to myself.

And then I discovered thinking sarcastically about your situation does nothing to help it. It just aggravates you more. So, with a loud huff and a large stretch, I pulled my butt of the hard floor and faced the day head on.

“Now to find that river,” I heard my own voice say, as my thoughts were brought into the open.

And with that, I continued to the right, in search of water.


* * *


Five slow minutes later, and I was standing beside the stream, the water gently lapping and making a relaxing sound.

Suddenly, an idea hit me. How long had it been since I had fully relaxed? A long time, my brain supplied for me. With that thought firmly planted in my head, I kicked off the battered flip flops I was wearing, (they had done well to last that long) and stepped into the cold, shallow water.

The clear water felt amazing against my sore feet. Every time the water moved, my toes felt like they were being healed and massaged.

I could get used to this, I though idly, as I moved my left foot around in the water.

I didn’t know what I was going to do. I mean, when it was two of us on a random island, it seemed easier. Now it was just me alone, whilst they mopped up all the happiness, and it was going to be hard. Instantly, I knew what I had to do.

I couldn’t go back to me and… his old site, because if they were looking for me, that would be the first place they would go. Also, I don’t think I could handle it. Too many memories.

So, I had to find a new part of the island to stay. It had to be near the sea, but close to the stream. That was basically it.

Thinking I had nothing better to do than to search, I waded through the stream to the other side, and climbed out.

And then I realised that my flip flops were still on the other side.

“This is going to be a long day,” I said to myself solemnly.


* * *


Twenty minutes later, and there I was. Still shipwrecked, still alone, still sad. But with a place to stay.

I had found a nice patch, it looked just like the space me and Dan had lived in at first, except for the fact that there wasn’t any shelters, or any Dan.

The former had me worried, since Dan was the best at building shelters. The latter had me smiling - a little bit of freedom had to be a good thing, right?


It was then that I decided to get on with it, because my thoughts could outlive the day if I let them.

* * *

<< Dan >>

The black eye I now had was nothing compared to the pain I was feeling in my heart.

Lucy was nothing to me, why couldn’t Carrie see that in my eyes?

She always thought I was a jerk, maybe she was right. But Lucy was dangerous, it was either two broken hearts, or two broken skulls.

I obviously preferred the idea of the former.

That was before, but right then I was questioning my decision.

The pain in Carrie’s eyes had tears leaking from my own. Lucy was a monster, a blood thirsty monster. I hated her with all my heart.

All two pieces of it.



Tell me what you think.

Short, I know.

Boring, I know.

Kinda pointless, I know.

But hey, it’s an upload!


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