Imagine you feel the baby kick for the first time

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Niall: you were hanging out with sophia you guys were just chatting when you felt a little kick inside your stomach you gasped and Sophia said "what happened?is it time?" you said "no she kicked." She came over and put their hands were you said you felt her kick and she kicked again this time "oh my gosh Niall is going to be so happy when he get's home." Then Niall and the boys, and Zayn came in you said "Ni come here." He came over and said "what's up your okay?" you said "yes but put your hand right here." He did and she kicked again he smiled and said "that's our daughter." you nodded you guys were so happy.

Harry: you were in your bed with harry his hand was on your stomach then you gasped and the baby kicked your stomach Harry said "was that him?" you said "yeah." He smiled into your hair and said "he's awake." you smiled and said "yeah." the rest of the day you guys layed in your bed and just felt the baby kicking you.

Liam: you and Liam were eating dinner afterwards you were doing the dishes when you felt the baby kick you gasped liam came in and said "babe what's wrong?" you said "he kicked." Liam put his hand were your hand was and smiled when he felt and said "this is amazing." you smiled at him and said "yeah." you guys were so happy and could't wait for him to be here.

Louis: you and Louis were having a party you felt a little kicked in your stomach you gasped and sophia said "what? You ok? Is it time?"you said "she kicked." she put her hand on you stomach and felt in too then Louis came over and said "hey what's up?" you said "feel." he put his hand on you stomach and felt her kick he smiled and said "that's our girl." you smiled and said "yeah." you guys were so excited

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